Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 10/01/08 16:17:15
- Analyzing : Pacitu ( done 25m )
- Review: 2 by Tanya - The analysis doesn't apply to the template. For example the part "How to demo" is missing.
- Analyzing 2: Deyan (done 15m)
- Designing : Pacitu (done 15m)
- Review: 4 by Tanya - OK
- Implementing : Peko (done 50m)
- Review: 2 by Deyan (done 2m) - Implementation is done, but there is nothing in Implementation section.
- Implementing 2: Deyan (done 50m)
- Implementing 3: Deyan (done 1.5h) General review of all tasks, corrected implementation section and other fixes. See , bottom of the document.
- Review: 4 by todor. All sections of the task are clear. All that had to be done is done.
- Testing :