Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 05/11/09 16:07:52
- Flaps
- For organizing the functionalities, we will use flaps. Flaps are parts of the layout.
- Currently considered are the left and the right flap. Bottom flap is proposed for timeline editing.
- Flaps contain palettes.
- Graphics Design
- Palettes
- Palettes look like windows and are attached to palettes.
- Controls
- List - a lot of palettes in Sophie contain list control. List contains list items. List items are selectable and draggable.
- Grapics Design
- List items - we should have several types of them - Text, text with icon, thumbnail with text
- Interaction Design
- List items - will all of them be draggable? For example, the plugin configuration palette, list items should not be dragged to the page work area. How should we show this to the user?
- Examples of list palettes
- Page Preview palette - Shows thumbnails of the pages. List items are draggable. Do we need text (page number) in the list? The idea about showing that the page has flow frames is great, but does not cover all the cases (the frame can be chained with another frame on previous page for example). There should be one row for each page thumbnail.
- Configuration palette - Presents plugins as a list with buttons for configuration and about box. Can be with icons for each plugin. What size?
- Embedded Books Palette - shows books, that are embedded in this book.
- Opened Books Palette - shows currently opened books.
- Grapics Design
- Buttons - How will we approach buttons? We can do them inside the list (for list palettes), but it won't allow multiple selection manipulation, or we should think of good way to do it. See attached images attachment:ListPalette.png attachment:ListPalette2.png
- Meta - meta palettes will be used for displaying text and other information. Meta palettes should contain editable and non-editable fields.
- List - a lot of palettes in Sophie contain list control. List contains list items. List items are selectable and draggable.
- Graphics Design - we currently have a realization of the palettes, see attached image
- Menus
- Menus hold functionalities that cannot be triggered elsewhere, functionalities that can be accessed only by mouse (drag and drop) or keyboard shortcuts.
- Menu items can only be clicked.
- Graphics Design - we can use the operating system menu styles, but it may be inconsistant with the look and feel of the application. Windows users may feel more comfortable (not sure about Mac users). We can also use icons and text for the menu items. Currently existing list items are listed here
- Halos - Halos are little icons that trigger different functionality. Currently considered are two types of halos
- [dev]Clickable halos - most of the halos are clickable. The behavior that is currently accepted is that clickable halos invoke HUDs. What about delete frame halo?
- [dev]Draggable halos - halos that should be clicked on and dragged to trigger their functionality. Currently considered are Move, Resize and Rotate halos. Their functionality is overlapped with the position halo and HUD. Is the idea of having 8 points for resize of frames good?
- Graphics Design - we need to show somehow hint the user which halos are draggable and which are clickable
- ListPalette.png (21.7 KB) - added by deyan 16 years ago.
- ListPalette2.png (21.2 KB) - added by deyan 16 years ago.
- ListPalette.2.png (21.7 KB) - added by deyan 16 years ago.