User should be able to insert, remove and edit list content inside text content(text frame, detached text editor etc.). There should be button inside insert menu that allows this functionality. This button should be active when text content is on focus. Also insert similar button inside text halo menu with the same functionality.
Symbols that are used to indicate items in the list are as follows:
- ● for items in first list level
- ○ for items in second list level
- ■ for items in third list level
- - for items in forth list level
- If they are more than four list levels the symbols start to repeat them self in same order.
There should be tab space added in every sub level.
User should be able to move items through sub levels. If he sets focus before the symbol that indicates the item and press TAB key, then the item goes on the next sub level. Respectively if he press BACKSPACE key the item goes to previous level. If the item is on first level and the user sets focus before the item symbol, then pressed BACKSPACE - the item is deleted, however the content of the item remains as new paragraph.
Task requirements
- Create prototype of list item.
- Insert buttons inside insert menu and text halo menu.
Task result
- The result should be code.
Implementation idea
- Review 2009-02-17-Design Discussion (Part 3).mpg and 2009-02-17-Design Discussion (Part 3).txt on to get overview over text implementation for now
How to demo
- Run the application
- Create text frame and insert some text
- Insert list with more than 4 sublevels
(Describe your design here.)
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)