Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 01/26/09 11:28:22

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=UNPLANNED_PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



Rules for reviewing Analysis, Design, Implementation and Testing are needed. This task is because there are no tasks for platform standards analysis and general in this iteration.

Task requirements


  • Split each task type into sections
    • Required - things that are obligatory for the analysis in order to pass the review.
    • Recommended - things that are recommended for the analysis, needed for higher score
    • Optional - things the analysis owner assumed useful, may be rated with the higher score.
  • Discuss which of the comments in PLATFORM_STANDARDS_ANALYSIS should be included in the documents as rules
  • Add a requirement that the reviewer should either stick to these rules or comment them in the comment section.
  • Explain when requesting a superreview is allowed.


  • Split each task type into sections (excluding code and bug fix tasks - they are explained in PLATFORM_STANDARDS_CODE
    • Required - things that are obligatory for the implementation in order to pass the review.
    • Recommended - things that are recommended for the implementation, needed for higher score
    • Optional - things the implementation owner assumed useful, may be rated with the higher score.
  • Discuss which of the comments in PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL should be included in the documents as rules
  • Add a requirement that the reviewer should either stick to these rules or comment them in the comment section.

Task result

Refactored PLATFORM_STANDARDS_ANALYSIS and PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL with exact review requirements.

Implementation idea

Change the formatting of the documents with

=== Task type ===

instead of

 * Task type


How to demo



Although the documents exist, they need to be improved and restructured. Mistakes will be fixed, correct information will be preserved and new rules for reviewing will be added. Here follows an overview of the resulting documents:


The PLATFORM_STANDARDS_ANALYSIS page will have the following structure:

|_How to write analyses
|__General information
|__Task kinds
|___Coding task
|____A sample approach
|___Bug fix

These sections will contain:

  • General information - a brief description of the structure of the analysis and what each of its sections should contain (applying to all task kinds).
  • Task types - for each task type there will be a list of what each section of the analysis should contain - all things listed there are REQUIRED.
    • Since most of the tasks are coding tasks, a sample approach for analysing them will be provided.
  • Examples - several examples of good analyses with brief explanations.
  • Reviewing - rules for reviewing, scoring and requesting a super review - when a task should fail and when not. Here will be the list of requred and recommended things for an analysis stated in the task requirements.
  • Comments - everyone that has some opinion on the standards should describe it here.

Everyone has been asked to give his opinion in the Comments section. During the implementation these comments will be considered and integrated into the wiki page.


The PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL page will have the following structure:

|_General Platform Standards
|__Task kinds
|___Coding task
|___Bug fix
|__Task results
|__Naming conventions for wiki pages
|__Other standards

These sections will contain:

  • General Platform Standards - a brief description of what this wiki page contains.
  • Task kinds - for each task kind a brief description of what each phase (analysis, design, implementation, testing) requires;
  • Task results - what the task results might be.
  • Reviewing - a list of required things to look at in the review, rules for scoring.
  • Naming conventions - how we should name wiki pages.
  • Other standards - links to the other related standards pages.
  • Comments - everyone that has some opinion on the standards should describe it here.

Focus should be on non-coding tasks and on implementation phase since there will be documents for the other standards - PLATFORM_STANDARDS_ANALYSIS, PLATFORM_STANDARDS_DESIGN and PLATFORM_STANDARDS_CODE. These should be linked.

Everyone has been asked to give his opinion in the Comments section. During the implementation these comments will be considered and integrated into the wiki page.

The rules for reviewing and scoring will be separated in their own section instead of added to each task kind as stated in the requirements. The reason is that they apply to all task kinds and will be more easily readable.


The updated version of PLATFORM_STANDARDS_ANALYSIS is created according to the design.
The updated version of PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL is created according to the design.



(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)