Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 09/08/09 19:06:10
- The goal of this task is to restore the previously working functionality of scripting in Sophie, replacing all obsolete code with new one, using the new model and views.
- This is a refactoring task, so no new functionality will be implemented.
Task requirements
- Reimplement the following functionality, using the new model and views:
- The user should have access to the current book and should be able to do the following actions with it:
- get/set its title
- get/set the page size (width and height)
- get a list of all pages or a page with a given index
- add a new page in it
- remove a page
- reorder the pages
- get/set the current page
- For every page the user should be able to:
- get its name
- get its index (but not set it)
- get a list of all frames
- add a new frame
- remove a frame
- For every frame the user should be able to:
- get/set its size
- get/set its z-order
- get/set its content location
- get/set its rotation angle
- The user should be able to create a new book (which will be automatically added to the list of open books).
- The user should have access to the current book and should be able to do the following actions with it:
- All model changes should be performed in AutoActions.
- Remove the deprecated code in ScriptResourceH.
- Update the user documentation in SCRIPTING_ACTIONS_API_R0 if there are changes in the API.
- Refactor all tests.
Task result
- Source code
- Updated wiki documentation
Implementation idea
- Currently BookH, PageH and FrameH are adapted for use in javascript. Instead, make the adapters to adapt BookView, RootPageView and FrameView, respectively.
How to demo
- Insert a new script in current book and run it.
- Common design ideas:
- In all methods in JS* classes that modify the model execute a new insignificant AutoAction.
- Rename JSApp to JSAppMainWindow and make it to extend BaseJSAdapter<AppMainWindow>.
- Reimplement jsFunction_newBook:
- Use BookH.createEmptyBook to create ResourceAccess to a new book. Use default settings from BookInfo.DEFAULT_INFO.
- Create a new BookDocView for the newly created resource access object and add it to the documents list in the AppMainWindow.
- Create a new JSBook using Context.getCurrentContext().newObject. Set its adapted object to the BookView in the newly created BookDocView.
- Reimplement jsFunction_newBook:
- JSBook should extend BaseJSAdapter<BookView>.
- In jsGet_title() and jsGet_pageSize() just return the value of corresponding getter in getAdaptedObject().getModel().
- In jsSet_title and jsSet_pageSize set BookR4.KEY_TITLE and BookR4.KEY_PAGE_SIZE, respectively.
- Refactor jsGet_pages to iterate over the immutable list from BookH.getPages().
- For each created JSPage set the adapted object to the RootPageView that corresponds to the page, using BookView.getPageView(page reference).
- jsFunction_newPage should create a new resource reference with ResourceRefR4.generateRandomSub(PageH.NAME_PREFIX), then call BookH.addNewPage in the AutoAction, and finally create a new JSPage.
- jsFunction_removePage should call BookH.removePage.
- jsFunction_movePage should call BookH.movePage.
- jsFunction_setCurrentPage should call BookView.goToPage.
- JSPage should extend BaseJSAdapter<RootPageView>.
- jsGet_name should call PageH.getName.
- jsGet_pageNumber
- find the parent BookDocView
- get its BookView
- get all pages in its model
- iterate over it to find the reference to the adapted page
- jsGet_frames - iterate over the list, returned from getSubElements(FrameH.class). Use AppViewUtil.getView to find the frame view for each frame.
- jsFunction_newFrame
- create a new resource reference with generateRandomSub
- get the list CompositeElement.KEY_SUB_ELEMENTS.get(page.getAccess())
- call FrameH.create
- create a new JSFrame and set its adapted object to the frame's view.
- jsFunction_removeFrame - find the parent ElementView of the frame and remove it from the children list.
- JSFrame should extend BaseJSAdapter<FrameView>.
- jsGet_name - as in JSPage.
- jsGet_size - call getSize(BoundMode.OUT_BORDER).
- jsSet_size - set the key FrameR4.KEY_SIZE.
- jsGet_zOrder - get the parent ElementView and return the index of the frame in the list of children (which is a list of ActivationChannels).
- Replace jsSet_zOrder with the following void methods:
- jsFunction_bringToFront(), jsFunction_bringToBack(), jsFunction_moveUp(). jsFunction_moveDown().
- make a private method void setZOrder(int index). All of the above methods should call it.
- jsGet_contentLocation - getLocation(BoundMode.CONTENT, Position.TOP_LEFT, frameView.getTime())
- jsSet_contentLocation - setRaw(MemberElement.KEY_LOCATION, channel.setChannelValue( <the time from the FrameView>, <the new point> )
- jsGet_rotatingAngle, jsSet_rotatingAngle - analogical to get/set the size.
- Replace all hardcoded String literals, representing javascript class names, such as "Book", "Page", etc. with String constants.
- For example, create a constant public static final String CLASS_NAME = "App" in JSAppMainWindow and replace all occurrences of "App" in the scripting module to JSAppMainWindow.CLASS_NAME.
- Do the same for JSBook, JSPage and JSFrame.
- In all JS* classes remove the jsConstructor method.
- JavaScript users should not use the constructors. There are instance methods for creating books, pages and so on.
- RunScriptLogic
- The script should not be executed in an AutoChanges.
- All model changes are already wrapped in insignificant AutoActions.
- Execute new empty, but significant AutoAction after the script execution.
- The script should not be executed in an AutoChanges.
- Update the user documentation with the minor changes in the API.
- Source code:
- In ModelTestBase the MemLocator was replaced by AppLocator. The same locator is used in the AppMainWindow, created in AppTestBase.
- There was no need of jsFunction_moveUp(). jsFunction_moveDown(), because the user can write zOrder++ and zOrder--; therefore jsSet_zOrder was not removed.
- jsFunction_removeFrame was not renamed to jsFunction_removeElement, because scripting does not support page elements other than frames. When this becomes possiible, jsFunction_removeFrame will just call jsFunction_removeElement.
- Merged in [6146]
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)