Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 06/27/09 13:11:14
Automatic tests need to be improved. Latest Hudson build reports 288 test failures out of 962 tests.
Task requirements
- Revise the current unit tests
- Remove any useless test cases (for more, see implementation idea).
- Make as much as possible tests / demos to work. This includes improving the source if tests report problems.
- Writing new tests is not required for this revision, since it is too much effort.
Task result
Removed useless tests, others - passing.
Implementation idea
- Read about how to write good unit tests, PLATFORM_STANDARDS_AUTO_TESTS for documented convensions for testing and "Code smells" in the internal backlog. Look also at the available demos.
- Describe what needs to be removed, what will be repaired and what tests need to be written during the next revision.
- Use FakeModuleRegistry where you need to use extension points.
How to demo
Run all the available tests (through Eclipse, right click sophie2-platform, run as.., maven test).
- While refactoring tests, look for the following things:
- Each test must have setUp() and tearDown methods, containing at least super.setUp() and super.tearDown().
- Tests should be UnitTestBase or IntegrationTestBase
- All resources needed for tests should be placed in the /src/test/resources folder of the module where the test is in
- Remove testing of obvious things
- Repair fake JavaDoc
- Where ither modules are needed, use FakeModuleRegistry.start(). In this case, make the class extend IntegrationTestBase. Look specifically at the modules ewhich have to be started, this is a common mistake.
- Take care for "TODO: refactor" things.
- Remove "fail('not implemented')" methods.
- Refactor any "try{fail();} catch(Throwable){}" statements, since they are useless: if expected Exception, change to catch(Exception); If expected AssertionError, change to catch(Throwable){if (e instanceof AssertionFailedError) fail();} Fix the errors that will appear after refactoring them.
- Either refactor commented tests, or delete them.
- Look for the correct place of each test - if incorrect, fix it.
- Fix the assertEquals and assertSame arguments: first should be expected, then actual.
- Here is a list of the current modules and what has to be changed there :
org.sophie2.base.bound | refactor |
org.sophie2.base.commons | refactor |
org.sophie2.base.connectivity | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.base.dialogs | DialogManagerTest must be DialogManagerDemo, it should run |
org.sophie2.base.halos | refactor |
org.sophie2.base.layout | BaseLayoutDemo is actualy a test; needs to refactor | | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.base.menus | refactor | | thoroughly refactor/delete GroupTest, review the others. |
org.sophie2.base.model.resources | nothing - OK |
org.sophie2.base.model.text | nothing - the demo is OK |
org.sophie2.base.persistence | many try-catch mistakes, refactor |
org.sophie2.base.scene | Delete SceneTest2, revire the demo. |
org.sophie2.base.skins | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.base.visual | nothing - OK |
org.sophie2.core | refactor |
org.sophie2.core.modularity | review - add super.setUp() to setUp methods |
org.sophie2.core.mvc | review - Decide whether no view should not be handled (TestDemo2) |
org.sophie2.extra.func.annotations | nothing - OK |
org.sophie2.extra.func.embedded | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.extra.func.pdf | nothig - OK |
org.sophie2.extra.func.print | nothing - no tests | | rename AppViewUnitTest to AppViewTest, make it an integration test. Thoroughly refactor BookViewUnitTest. Move AudioContentViewTest and VideoContentViewTest to, refactor ContentViewTest, review FrameAddUndoViewTest, fix "catch(Throwable e)" statements, remove any "fail('not implemented')" methods. | | nothing - no tests | | nothing - no tests | | Make WindowMenuTest integration, decide whether to delete it. Refactor FileMenuTest, move SystemTestBase to | | Move BackgroundStyleUnitTest, BorderStyleUnitTest, FrameAddUndoTest and FrameUnitTest to, refactor them. Remove BookLegacyTest, review the rest. |
org.sophie2.main.dialogs.input | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.func.config | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.func.file | nothing - no tests | | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.func.image | refactor |
org.sophie2.main.func.links | nothing - OK | | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.func.resources | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.func.servers | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.layout.mydoggy | rename MyDoggyLayoutDemo to test, since it is not a demo. Make it integration test, add the needed modules and refactor the failing cases. |
org.sophie2.main.layout.vldocking | thoroughly refactor | | delete all |
org.sophie2.main.persistence.r1 | refactor (or delete) |
org.sophie2.main.persistence.r2 | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.scene.jogl | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.scene.simple | nothing - OK | | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.main.ws_connector | nothing - no tests |
org.sophie2.server | add setUp() and tearDown() methods, review |
org.sophie2.server.connector | add setUp() and tearDown() methods, review. |
org.sophie2.server.persistence | Remove default values of type "new Date()", add setUp() and tearDown() methods. |
org.sophie2.base.bound | done [2404], [2459] |
org.sophie2.base.commons | done [2405] |
org.sophie2.base.dialogs | nothing has been done |
org.sophie2.base.halos | [2469]: not all tests pass yet. |
org.sophie2.base.layout | [2467] |
org.sophie2.base.menus | nothing has been done | | [2472], GroupTest seems to be failing only on my computer, so it was not deleted. |
org.sophie2.base.persistence | [2473], still a lot tests do not pass. |
org.sophie2.base.scene | [2475] The demo actually shows just 2 lines of text, maybe it doesn't work. |
org.sophie2.core | nothing has been done |
org.sophie2.core.modularity | [2476] |
org.sophie2.core.mvc | nothing has been done. | | [2491] Did not have time to refactor BookViewUnitTest and AppLogicSystemtest. AudioContentViewTest and VideoContentViewTest deleted. | | [2505] needs a lot more. | | [2498], [2501] BackgroundStyleUnitTest and BorderStyleUnitTest also deleted |
org.sophie2.main.func.image | [2497] needs more to be done. |
org.sophie2.main.layout.mydoggy | [2499] Now it starts, but half of the cases do not pass. Not enough time. |
org.sophie2.main.layout.vldocking | nothing has been done here | | fixed by peko/nenko |
org.sophie2.main.persistence.r1 | nothing has been done here |
org.sophie2.server.persistence | [2503] |
- base,dialogs, base.menus, core, core.mvc, app.menus and layout.vldocking need to be done in the next revision
- legacy modules like persistence.r1 and server.persistence should be decided whether to delete or to refactor the tests
- many modules have not a single test.
- all suppressWarnings("all") clauses must be removed.
- JavaDoc must be fixed.
Merged to the trunk in changeset [2549]. --meddle
- Final result for this revision: 156 tests fail out of 946.
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)