Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 12/03/08 17:59:17

This page is part of the user documentation sample, linked from UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_SAMPLE_R0.

How this works: this is a table of contents page. If you click link 3, you'll see a sample section page; from that, there are subsection pages. The other links don't work and aren't meant to - this is just a sample.

Sophie Documentation

  1. Contents
  1. Working with Sophie
  1. Working with books (THIS IS THE ONE THAT WORKS)
  1. Working with frames
  1. Working with text
  1. Working with media
  1. Working with links
  1. Working with pages
  1. Working with embedded books
  1. Working with timelines
  1. Working with the network
  1. Working with reader annotations
  1. Publishing & Sophie Reader