This task is to present a sample of what the user documentation will look like.
Each numbered item in the documentation structure will have its own wiki page. The documentation text is from the Sophie 1.0 documentation, but it contains the same sort of documentation that will be used in the Sophie 2.0 releases.
Task requirements
- Documentation needs to be visible to end users.
- Documentation needs to be easily navigated (previous page/next page buttons; also a way to get back to the top of the documentation.)
- Needs to be possible to move pages of the documentation around if it's not going to be on Trac forever. (Where will this be?)
Task result
The result of this task is this page: UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_SAMPLE which can be critiqued and revised until we know what we want the documentation to look like.
Implementation idea
A version of this can be looked at here: UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_SAMPLE
UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_STRUCTURE_R0 is the user documentation structure, which affects this directly.
How to demo
Look at UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_SAMPLE, see if it works. Compare to ITERATION_03/Release/UserDocumentation: I think what we ended up with is stronger.
- This is in UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_SAMPLE; this has been supplanted by ITERATION_03/Release/UserDocumentation, which is a better example to work from.
- This will be done in the wiki; no auxiliary tools will be needed for the text, which can be entered by hand.
- Images will be in trunk/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images ; they will be PNGs made from screenshots; they should be actual size, with zooms where appropriate.
- Images will be inline for now; images should not be wider than 800 pixels.
- The style guide (UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_STRUCTURE/StyleGuide) will evolve with the user documentation and will provide standards that can be commonly referenced.
The first round of documentation was done at ITERATION_03/Release/UserDocumentation; Pap and the other members of the release team suggested changes that could be made.
Critiques were made during the process of creating the documentation in the release team Skype chat; is there a better way to do this?
- How are we using images? inline? Is there a way to hide the attached file listing at the end of a wiki page?
- Standards/style guide can be found here: UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_STRUCTURE/StyleGuide
- How granular should this be?