Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 06/05/09 10:26:28

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=WRAPPING_TEXT_RENDERING_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



  • The ability of text to wrap around objects.
    • The objects could wrap the text as follows:
      • none - text is not wrapped
      • before - text wraps only on the left side
      • after - text wraps only on the right side
      • parallel - text wraps from both sides
    • Default value should be parallel.
    • Modification of wrapping options will be available from a separate hud added to the HotText halo menu. It will contain a group of radio buttons to switch between No Wrapping, Before, After and Parallel.
    • Text can be flowed/wrapped only around overlapping objects (frames, etc.), that is - objects that have a higher z-order than the current Frame.
    • The way of wrapping will depend on the available space for flowing of the text around the overlapping objects.
      • The following strategy will be considered
        • Flowing text line by line (text alignment should not be taken into account on the text sides displayed around the overlapping object). source:branches/private/vlado/sophie2-platform/doc/spec-diagrams/LineByLineTextFlowing.png
        • Flowing text on intersection blocks will not be used in Sophie 2.0. If such functionality is desired it can be mimicked by creation of separate Frames. source:branches/private/vlado/sophie2-platform/doc/spec-diagrams/IntersectionBlockTextFlowing.png
      • A kind of priority (weight) will be present to estimate the different options for text layout in various cases of overlapping.
  • Text layout inside a Frame.
    • Text is divided into the following parts which define scopes for the text elements:
      • Text - the whole flowing text.
      • Text Part - part of the whole text, that is displayed as content of a Frame.
      • Line - one line of visible text inside a Frame. It is composed of one or more line segments, depending on overlapping with other objects (frames, etc.)
      • Segment (Line Part) - part of a line wrapped around two objects, object and border or two borders of the container Frame.

Task requirements

Task result

The result should be source code.

Implementation idea

  • Hill climbing algorithm is used for laying out text (a general implementation is already present).
    • Check Hill Climbing Algorithm at Wikipedia for more information.
    • The roles in the algorithm for the purpose of HotTextLayout:
      • Vertex - a collection of vertex fields, such as text range (a specific Segment) and its supported properties (scope, area, position properties, etc.)
      • Edge - represents a placement (positioning) operation for the next Segment depending on the previous Segment (it is the concrete kind of transition from a Vertex to one of its neighboring Vertex-s)
      • Path - represents a layout of some text (group of Segments, Line or Text Part) with a calculated weight, or "badness" (it is a collection of edges defining the path from one Vertex to another).
    • The goal is to layout the text according to the Path with lowest weight ("badness").
  • The algorithm can be extended with:
    • a better separation of Segments in relation to the needs of wrapping functionality.
    • a better Segment handling and calculations.
    • a better estimation of the weight ("badness") in different use cases.






How to demo

  • A simple line by line text flowing demo (if implemented)
    • Start the application
    • Create new book
    • Inside the book create new text frame and type some text (you could use lorem ipsum generator for better result -
    • Place another frame on top of the text frame. The text should be flowed around the second frame.


  • Improvements in the Hill climbing algorithm for finding the best path
    • Replace EdgeKind.OPEN_SEGMENT, EdgeKind.CLOSE_SEGMENT and EdgeKind.ATOM with a single EdgeKind.SEGMENT. The effects of this modification include:
      • EdgeKind.SEGMENT becomes the smallest unbreakable EdgeKind (atomic transition) in the algorithm.
      • (advantage) The number of transitions in the algorithm vastly decrease, generally resulting in a better layout performance. Here is an example for a one line text with 2 segments:
      • (drawback) EdgeKind.SEGMENT has to be more complex to handle the following cases, some of which make more sense to a segment as a whole (in the old solution the responsibilities were spread between OPEN_SEGMENT, CLOSE_SEGMENT and ATOM EdgeKinds):
        • Badness calculation
        • Breaks - part, line and segment break
        • Ascent
        • Descent
        • Gap
        • White space
        • Tracking
        • Drawing
    • Estimation of badness by importance:
      • Characters left (not laid out in the area)
      • Space occupied by the text in the area. Concrete badness factors related to this are:
        • Spacing
        • White extra
        • Ascent
        • Descent
      • Broken word
      • Shrunk tracking
      • Shrunk spacing
  • Calculation of Text Parts for the text chaining
    • Add the following:
      • Method HotTextLayout.canFitInShape and (static method) LayoutBuilder.canFit to check if a text can be flowed into an area
      • Method HotTextLayout.getTextParts and (static method) LayoutBuilder.getTextParts to return the separation of a text into parts that can be flowed into a sequence of areas
    • Implementation should be straightforward using the layout algorithm
  • Fix of the bug specified at correct Atom.canFit method to pass the atom's height as 4th argument, not the atom's y-position.
  • Eliminate part of the fake implementations in the layout functionality
  • Fix warnings, add Javadoc and comments to all classes in org.sophie2.base.model.text.layout
  • Unit Tests: [3022]

Design related code merged to the trunk at [3026];


The following code is committed to the clean branch (updated from trunk) on vlado/trunk-changes




Code merged into the trunk in [3224].



  • The hud location of the wrapping options will be analised in a next revision following the concept of text halo menu. - vlado