Users: Download Sophie
This release is Sophie 2.1, released October 21, 2011. Sophie 2.1.1 release is scheduled for the first quarter of 2012. Other updates may be posted before then.
Downloading Sophie Platform will download Author, Reader, and Server together. The Sophie Platform is intended for users who intend to install Server, rather than just Author and Reader.
You can use the Sophie installer for Windows and Linux by clicking here.
Sophie requires Java 6. Installation for this download varies by platform. Please see the installation instructions for more information

  • Integrated HTML export functionality, which allows exporting books as web pages.
  • Export of books for offline reading in iPad (iPad Reader application to be available on AppStore in November).
  • Export of books for offline reading on Motorola Xoom.
  • Integrated iOS browser support.
  • Integrated Motorola Xoom browser support.
  • Integrated Google Chrome browser support.
  • Integrated Apple Safari browser support.
  • Added native menu bar for MacOS.
  • Integrated FTP server support (for direct HTML export on a server).
  • Small UI fixes.
  • Sophie's performance is better on computers when running in Java 7 (beta) than it is in Java 6; however, there may be an issue with saving colors in books when using Java 7 (beta).
  • Pasted text may be incorrectly styled.
  • Text selection is not maintained on Sophie Server.
  • PDF frames are not exported to HTML.
  • Web sites using Flash may not display properly in browser frames on all platforms.
  • Semi-transparent frames with image background are not exported correctly to HTML.
  • Some videos cannot be played on Android devices.

  • On MacOS 10.5, the first time you insert media or a browser frame, an error will occur. All subsequent use of media & browser frames should be fine.
  • There are some issues with the appearance of the UI on Windows Vista and Windows 7 with Aero enabled.
  • Possible audio issues with 32-bit Linux installations.