{29} Working report (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Owner Status
#1872 UI: When the bottom panel is closed, I get a crash changing to the Sophie2 (alpha) skin running on a Mac with Apple Java 6. Bug report attached. M11_BETA3 closed
#1990 Tweak: Error reports should be with .txt by default and e-mail should not be mandatory M12_RELEASE mitex closed
#2243 error-report-usefulness -- Email should be mandatory for sending reports instead of saving deyan closed
#2292 mac issue: keyboard shortcuts in bug reporting interface are wrong X3 closed
#2321 error reported moving sophie books from computer to computer X3 closed
#2338 bug-report-explanation - - In bug report form the dialog is inaccurate X3 pap closed
#2475 bug-report-doesnt-save -- Cannot save the bug report as file X3 closed
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.