Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 07/09/09 12:38:42

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=ANNOTATIONS_EXPORT_IMPORT_R1, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



The goal of this task is to provide persistence of stickies.

Task requirements

  • The user should be able to persist annotation sets.
  • Annotation sets are resources which can contain stickies, highlights and audio annotations. Currently only stickies are implemented.
  • Annotation sets should be persisted in zip files, just like Sophie books are saved (which are resources too).
  • "All annotations" palette should contain the following buttons:
    • Import Annotations...
      • When clicked, a file dialog for zip files is opened.
      • If the file is not a valid annotation set, an error message is displayed ("Invalid file.").
      • If the annotation set does not refer to current book, an error message is displayed ("These annotations do not refer current book").
      • The annotation set is loaded in current book's window (not added in the book).
      • The annotation set is set as current for current book.
    • Export Annotations...
      • When clicked, a file dialog for zip files is opened.
      • If a file name is selected, current annotation set for current book is stored in the selected file.
      • If an error occurs, for example user wants to save on read-only media, an error message is displayed.
  • By default, annotation sets are not saved with the book. A book can be annotated by reviewers and their annotations can be saved in external files.
  • (In another task) Annotation sets can be added to book's resources so they will be saved with the book.

Task result

  • Source code.

Implementation idea

  • Create a FileDialogInput for zip files and use the DialogManager to display the dialog.
  • Create a persister between AnnotationSet and Storage.
  • Use ZipPackagePersister to persist between Storage and zip files.


How to demo

  • Open Sophie.
  • Create two stickies.
  • Save the annotation set to a file.
  • Close the annotation set (using the Close Extra button). The stickies should disappear.
  • Open the annotation set from a file and check if the stickies are displayed again.


  • Create a package org.sophie2.extra.func.annotations.persistence.
  • Set the kind of AnnotationSet to be "annotation-set".
  • Create a class AnnotationsPersister that extends Persister<String, Storage>.
    • Schema: "resource:annotation-set|storage|r3"
    • Children:
      • book (reference to the book)
      • stickies
      • (in next revisions) highlights, audioAnnotations
    • Attributes:
      • entityId
  • Create a class StickyPersister that extends Persister<Ref<Sticky>, Storage>.
    • Schema: "sticky|storage|r3"
      • For each sticky persist its text, page reference, date, color and bounds.
  • In AnnotationsLogic:
    • Loading annotations:
      • Create a new FileDialogInput for zip files and display it using the DialogManager.
      • Load the zip file in a Storage using the schema "storage:resource|package-file:zip|r3".
      • Convert the storage to AnnotationSet using the schema "resource|storage|r3".
      • If an error occurs, display "Invalid file." using DialogUtils.showErrorDialog.
      • If the referred book is not the currently open book, display error message.
      • If none of the above issues is present, add the annotation set to current book's window shownExtras list,
      • then use CurrentAnnotationsMap.setAsCurrent.
    • Saving annotations:
      • Create a new FileDialogInput for zip files and display it using the DialogManager.
      • Store current annotation set to storage using the schema "resource|storage|r3".


Merged to the trunk [4116].


(Place the testing results here.)


(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)