Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 05/07/09 16:34:31

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=GROUP_ANNOTATIONS_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



In this revision most of the work is to provide support for book extra elements. Annotation sets will be defined as book extras.

Sophie 2 should support three kinds of annotations:

  • Stickies - electronic version of the well-known sticky notes that you can put anywhere on a page.
  • Highlights - user can highlight parts of the text.
  • Audio annotations - user can record his own voice to make annotations.

Task requirements

  • Book Extras support
    • A book extra is a resource.
    • Book extras can be part of the book as any other resource, but they can also be just open along with the book.
      • For example, you have a book and you open annotations, saved in another file. They are displayed with the book, but they are not part of it.
    • A BookWindow should contain a book and a list of book extras (which can be empty). Some of the extras are displayed, the rest are hidden.
    • User should be able to:
      • Show/hide book extras
      • Open extras from file (for this revision - only add dummy extra to the list)
      • Add selected extra to the book resources or remove from there
      • Close selected extra - remove from the book window
    • The page work area should contain a list of extra PageElements.
      • Create an extension point for page element view providers.
  • Annotations
    • User should be able to select current annotation set. When he creates a new sticky, it should be added to current annotation set.
    • Stickies
      • Should be displayed in the scene of the page. Be sure that they are positioned and zoomed correctly.
      • In the upper right corner there should be a remove halo button.
        • If the sticky contains some text, a confirmation message should appear ("Are you sure you want to delete this sticky?").
      • The title bar of the sticky should display their creation date and time in users local short format.
      • User should be able to create a new sticky.
    • Audio annotations
      • Should be displayed in the scene of the page with appropriate image and creation date and time.

Task result

Source code.

Implementation idea

  • Create an abstract class BookExtra which extends Resource.
    • Add abstract method which returns all PageElements that this extra provides for current page.
  • Create two lists of BookExtras in BookWindow:
    • all book extras that are open for viewing
    • shown book extras - subset of the above. This list contains the extras that are actually displayed.
  • Create an extension point in MainViewModule for PageElement view providers.
  • Add a list of extra PageElements in PageWorkArea.
  • Create a new module - org.sophie2.extra.func.annotations

(Add links to related tasks that could be useful or helpful.)

How to demo

  • Open Sophie 2.
  • Open All Annotations tab.
  • Create a new sticky.
  • Go to Book Extras palette in Resources tab.
  • Select "My Annotations" from the list.
  • Click "Hide selected extra" button. The sticky should disappear.
  • Click the button again (now it's named "Show selected extra". The sticky should appear again.


  • Book Extras
    • Create an abstract class BookExtra which extends Resource.
      • Add abstract method which returns all PageElements that this extra provides for current page.
    • Create two lists of BookExtras in BookWindow:
      • all book extras that are open for viewing
      • shown book extras - subset of the above. This list contains the extras that are actually displayed.
    • Create a Book Extras palette in Resource tab. It should display a list of:
      • all extras in BookWindow and
      • all resources in the book which are instances of BookExtra.
    • Create an extension point in MainViewModule for PageElement view providers.
      • Its interface PageElementViewProvider should contain methods getElementClass() and ScenePageElementView getSceneView(PageElement).
    • Add a list of extra PageElements in PageWorkArea.
    • Create an auto list in ScenePageWorkArea which contains the ScenePageElementViews of all extra PageElements.
    • In AuthorPageWorkArea and ReaderPageWorkArea add the scene elements of the extra elements views.
  • Annotations
    • Create a new module - org.sophie2.extra.func.annotations
    • Create classes Sticky, Highlight and AudioAnnotation, which implement an interface AnnotationElement.
      • Stickies have the following properties:
        • text : String
        • title : String
        • page : Page
        • date : Date - creation date and time
        • color : ImmColor
        • bounds : ImmRect (location and size; derived from PageElement)
        • parent : AnnotationSet
    • Create a class AnnotationSet, which extends BookExtra.
    • Create instances of PageElementViewProvider for stickies and audio annotations.
    • Create Scene views of stickies and audio annotations.
      • Stickies should be rendered as yellow semi-transparent rectangles with title bar
    • Create an Annotations tab in the right flap.
    • Create an All Annotations palette. It should display a list of all annotation sets. User should be able to select current annotation set.
    • Create a Stickies palette. Provide a button for creating a sticky.
    • Create halo menu and remove button for stickies.
      • The location of this menu is the upper right corner of the sticky.



(Place the testing results here.)


(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)