Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 07/09/09 12:38:10
The goal of this revision is to add more interactivity to stickies - text editing and dragging.
Task requirements
- The default background color should be yellow, semitransparent (red=100%, green=100%, blue=20%, alpha=75%).
- The text color of stickies should be non-transparent and:
- Black - if the brightness (see below) of the background is more than 50%
- White - otherwise (optional, if HotText allows it).
- The brightness is the luma, the Y component of the color in YUV color space.
- Add Hot Text to stickies so they can be edited.
- Only plain text editing functionality is required.
- When removing a sticky, confirmation dialog should be displayed only for non-empty stickies.
- Create a halo button for moving stickies with the mouse.
- Use the same button as the frame move button.
- Place the button to the left of the remove button.
- In later revisions a title bar like frame's future title bar will be needed.
- (optional) Create a halo button for changing sticky's background color. The alpha value should not be changed (75%).
- Reuse as much as possible of the code for the same functionality for frames.
Task result
Source code.
Implementation idea
- The halo button should be of type MoveHaloButton.
- Add it to StickyHaloMenu.
- In StickyRemoveButton change the condition to if (sticky.text().get().length() > 0).
How to demo
- Run Sophie and create a new book (if no book is available).
- Go to the Stickies palette.
- Create a new sticky.
- Type some text in it.
- Drag the move halo button to move the sticky.
- Rename the classes SceneStickyView and SceneAudioAnnotationView to StickyView and AudioAnnotationView, respectively.
- Create a class which extends MoveHaloButton.
- method protected ImmRect translateRect(ImmRect bounds, int newX, int newY) that translates a rectangle.
- pull up the property workArea (from FrameMoveHaloButton).
- Create a class StickyMoveHaloButton.
- FrameMoveHaloButton and StickyMoveHaloButton should extend PageElementMoveButton.
- Add StickyMoveHaloButton to StickyHaloMenu.
- In StickyRemoveButton change the condition to if (sticky.text().get().length() > 0).
- HotText:
- Create a class DefaultHotTextSceneElement
- in org.sophie2.base.scene.impl
- extends DefaultSceneElement
- implements HotTextSceneElement
- Move the setupStatic method from HotTextContentView.HotTextSceneElementImpl.
- Create a layoutArea property of type ImmArea which returns the value of bounds property.
- textLayout should be an auto property which returns HotTextLayout for the value of text and layoutArea.
- Refactor HotTextContentView.HotTextSceneElementImpl:
- extends DefaultHotTextSceneElement
- override layoutArea to distract the area of the overlapping frames (move the existing functionality).
- Create a class StickyTextSceneElement
- inner class for StickyView
- extends DefaultHotTextSceneElement
- override setupDynamic to set the bounds of the element - the sticky bounds without the title area
- override text - auto property returning new NaiveHotText with the sticky's text.
- Create a class InteractionMapUtil in org.sophie2.main.func.text.utils
- move the logic in HotTextContentView.defineSkin to a new method InteractionMapUtil.addInteractions.
- add defineSkin in StickyView and add a call to InteractionMapUtil.addInteractions in it.
- Create a class DefaultHotTextSceneElement
- Text color:
- Create textColor auto property of type ImmColor in StickyView.
- Return color according to the analysis requirements above.
- Use the following formula for the brightness:
- Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B.
- Apply that color to the sticky's title.
- Source code: branches/private/mitex/annotations-r1/
- Source code: branches/private/mitex/annotations-r1/
Merged to the trunk in [4116].
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)