Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 10/04/08 14:43:10
Book window is the window where the books "live". Book windows are windows into the main application window. Each book window has it's own tab in the Opened Books Tabbar.
Task requirements
- Book window behavior.
- Each BookWindow is responsible for displaying a single book.
- At the time of creation of a window it is bound to a book.
- It is then responsible for displaying the current page of the book.
- This is done through the extension connected to the PageArea extension point (if such is present).
- Define extension points(places that allow adding functionality).
- BookPanel - holds the elements that control the view of the book
- BookPanelElement - an element controlling single aspect of the view
- PageArea - displays single a page of a book
- Create an OpenOffice diagram to show the base view of book window
Task result
The result of this task should be source code and an OpenOffice diagram.
Implementation idea
How to demo
- You can show BookWindow to the team.
- Run Sophie2 and show the window.
This is the implemented wiki page: BOOK_WINDOW
- Analyzing : Pavlina, Dean(done: 25 mins)
- Review: 1 by Tanya - 15min. The analysis does not apply to the template. This analysis does not describe what should be done for finishing the task. At least, it is incomplete.
- Review: 3.5 by Tanya. Fix "How to demo".
- Refactoring: Deyan (done: 25 minutes)
- Designing : Pap, Peko
- Implementing : Pavlina - 0.5d
- Testing :