Version 111 (modified by pap, 15 years ago) (diff) |
Download Sophie 2.0
Sophie 2.0 is released under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0.
Sophie 2.0 requires Java 5 or its equivalent.
The current release is Sophie 2.0 build 2009-12-11-8389
Release notes
New features and fixes
- Copied text from Sophie doesn't lose format when pasted in Sophie.
- Links can control media frames and timelines (e.g. start, pause, stop, go to the beginning of the audio/video and timelines)
- Link action for navigating to the previous page is now added
- Sophie gives the user the ability to go backwards through the opened documents using Ctrl+Shift+Tab
- Some text caret issues
- Mouse navigation in indented paragraphs is now correct
- Media clipping allows part of media to be frame content
- Improved autochaining which preserves page layout and deletes empty pages
- Layout improvements
- Cut/Copy/Paste of frames and other page elements
- Text rendering is better
- Busy indicator
- Fixed search in book
- Fixed media slider issues
- Fixed HTML import
Known issues
- Web sites using Flash don't display correctly in browser frames and may make Sophie unresponsive.
- Sophie's performance is better on computers when running in Java 6 than it is in Java 5; if your computer has both, make sure that you're using Java 6
- Parts of the timeline interface still work incorrectly.
- There are some issues with layout redrawing which affect performance.
- Not all resources can be exported in their original formats yet.
- Possible audio issues with linux32
All platform ZIP of Sophie 2.0 build 2009-12-11-8389
(This contains the Author, Reader, and Server components in one directory.)
Web installer of Sophie 2.0 build 2009-12-11-8389 for Windows and Linux
Win32 ZIP
Linux32 ZIP
Linux64 ZIP ==
Win32 ZIP
Linux32 ZIP
Linux64 ZIP ==
Win32 ZIP
Linux32 ZIP
Linux64 ZIP ==
Daily builds
These builds are the latest daily builds, in both ZIP and GZIP format. Use caution with these; the features present in these builds may not match that which is described in the documentation and have not been as tested as thoroughly as the regular release.
Build server
- Available at
Source code
- Source code can be checked out anonymously from Subversion: svn:// Subversion can be downloaded from
User documentation
Previous releases
- Sophie 2.0 beta 3
- Sophie 2.0 beta 2
- Sophie 2.0 beta 1
- Sophie 2.0 Test release 4
- Sophie 2.0 Test release 3
- Sophie 2.0 Test release 2
- Sophie 2.0 Test release 1
- Sophie 2.0 alpha 4
- Sophie 2.0 alpha 3
- Sophie 2.0 alpha 2
- Sophie 2.0 alpha 1
- Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 5
- Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 4
- Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 3
- Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 2