(Give as much as possible of the needed information for designing and implementing the task in the following sections.)
This task must focus on creating sample books for Sophie2. However this must be done after we establish consistent file format.
Task requirements
- Create at least 3 Sophie books, that cover most of the Sophie2 available functionalities:
- Frame properties
- Border options
- Frame rotation, size and position
- Text
- Chaining
- Styling (color, font, bold, italic, underline)
- Paragraph options (center, left, right, justified)
- Insets (margin, padding)
- Media
- Audio
- Video
- Timelines
- Background and images
- Solid color
- Gradient
- Image
- Links
- Templating
- Frame templates
- Page templates
- Stickies and comment frames.
- Frame properties
- Because it's not sure how many of the features above will be usable it is not necessary all to be included, just make sure that most of the functionalities are covered.
- Include in the implementation section the created books.
- Make sure that all materials used for the creation of the books are with appropriate licenses.
- (optional) Play with Sophie1 to understand how the sample books are created, and try if possible to recreate them using Sophie2.
Task result
The result of this task must be Sophie2 books, that can be used for demonstration and presentation purposes.
Implementation idea
- There's a .zip file with some books used for demonstration purposes on Sophie1, available at /manage/resources. In one ideal case we should be able to reproduce them using Sophie2.
- However we probably won't be able to recreate all of them, but now almost all features of the sample books listed in the usecases described in SCS_TEST_TRACKING_MAINTENANCE_R5 can be recreated. So it's a good idea to create some of the books there.
- It will be good to keep these books on the server.
SCS_TEST_TRACKING_MAINTENANCE_R5 testlink testcases - 1078, 1080, 1082, 1084, 1087.
How to demo
- Open Sophie2 in preview mode and go through the created books.
(Describe your design here.)
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)