Our purpose is to keep our specifications in ordered structure, that covers all available artifacts that we considered necessary in our global spec structure. In order to do that we must regularly maintain our current specifications.
Task requirements
For this revision of the task you must:
- thoroughly review our available specification artifacts for the moment
- google spreadsheet
- analysis containing elements from global specification behavior.
- split the columns further - for example the mouse column. See implementation idea.
- create structure for the DND Table (rows/columns names) drag objects, target objects (this probably won't be complete during this revision of the task but must be started)
- link the analysis containing element behavior specifications in SPEC_INDEX?
Task result
The result of this task must be maintained global specifications presented by well structured google spreadsheet and SPEC_INDEX? containing links to specifications contained in task analyses.
Implementation idea
- review tasks that may contain specification elements
- there are few examples in the DND table for drag objects, drag targets and results
- create columns "mouse left" "mouse right" "mouse scroll" "mouse middle"
- create columns "triggers" and "triggered by"
- decide where to put mouse+keyboard interactions.
- The drag n drop table should contain 5 columns (for now) - element, source, target, result, alternative.
- Element - the draggable element.
- Source - from where it is dragged, the source element (for example - panel.)
- Target - where it is dropped
- Result - what happens where this element is dropped there
- Alternative - is there an alternative way to do this. (What is it, you may just say "yes" and that will be considered lately.)
google spreadsheet
How to demo
Open the google spreadsheet present the structure of the DND table (may not be complete). Show SPEC_INDEX? consisting of links to the analyses containing specifications.
Edit the structure in following way:
- For sheet Sophie2 GUI elements modify the columns:
- Split the mouse interaction in:
- mouse left
- mouse right
- mouse middle
- mouse scroll
- cursor enter
- Add Keyboard + Mouse
- Add Triggered by.
- Split the mouse interaction in:
- For sheet DND Table create/modify the columns:
- Element - the draggable element.
- Source - from where it is dragged, the source element (for example - panel.)
- Target - where it is dropped
- Result - what happens where this element is dropped there
- Alternative - is there an alternative way to do this. (What is it, you may just say "yes" and that will be considered lately.)
Applied the structure from the design. Corrected the Menu actions and the DND table. Filled in new items and applied the new structure of the tables.
- Font name and styles should be separated - on Mac on some fonts there are more than 3 or four available styles.
- Kerning (AV spacing) in Sophie 1 is only applicable for some fonts,
Each element should be discussed. A lot of elements are described from Sophie 1 so the behavior should be revised and fixed in later revisions.