The Global specification provides artifacts that can produce useful specification and are very helpful for the analysis and user documentation.
Task requirements
- Implement this task after (or in parallel with) GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE_R2
- Define global requirements for the different types of elements (flaps, tabs, palettes). Choose where to put them. Collect and fill them in. See implementation idea.
- Fill in the information in the structure created in GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE_R2
- In the layout visuals page
- In the page elements visuals page
- In the Drag and drop table
Take the prototypes for these from the current specification artifacts listed in GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE
- For different elements, link related tickets where needed.
Task result
Filled in wiki pages. Migrated artifacts. Expanded and corrected specification where possible.
Implementation idea
Implement this task in parallel with GLOBAL_SPEC_MANAGING_R4 For the palette you can say the elements that it may contain (list, buttons, etc) and default behavior (common behavior). You can put these into the corresponding pages (visuals pages)
How to demo
(Provide instructions for demonstration of the task.)
The elements in book will be presented more like a list because the tree structure cannot be applied (only one root - the page is possible. It will be presented as tree as well but with only one level. Structure for the In Book elements:
Page [[BR]] Frame [[BR]] TextContent [[BR]] ChainedTextContent [[BR]] StaticTextContent [[BR]] Frame [[BR]] ImageContent Frame [[BR]] VideoContent Frame [[BR]] AudioContent
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)