Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 02/20/09 12:22:32

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE_R2, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



The Global specification provides artifacts that can produce useful specification and are very helpful for the analysis and user documentation.

Task requirements

  • Review existing artifacts
  • Create a wiki page for the visual elements (according to naming conventions)
  • Find out how to generate the visuals tree1
  • Choose a layout for the page (See implementation idea.)
    • It should contain at least element name, link to related diagrams and tasks.
  • Fill in the visuals tree into the page according to the chosen design
  • Create a similar structure for the scene visual elements
  • Choose whether to create a new format for the drag n drop table
    • If you do - move it to a wiki page and consider following
      • Split the dnd table into layout to page, page to layout, page to operating system, os to page, os to layout (or arrange it)

1 The visuals tree contains all of the elements of the layout of Sophie.

Task result

Wiki pages, containing specifications. This specifications will be filled in during this iteration in GLOBAL_SPEC_MANAGING_R3 and GLOBAL_SPEC_MANAGING_R4

Implementation idea

Take the managing tasks too and implement them at once. Creating specification diagrams templates page might be useful.


How to demo

Show the newly created pages.


  • The visuals tree is generated from the experimental branch. It contains few of the visual elements, but is enough to create a structure prototype.
  • An idea of what information will be included is taken from the existing google document
  • The tree will contain element names
  • A new wiki page template with needed information for the elements will be created. It will contain
    • Type
    • Description
    • Diagram
    • Tooltip
    • Mouse Behavior
    • Keyboard Behavior
    • Mouse + Keyboard
    • Triggered by
    • OS Specific
    • Related tasks

Advantages of using sections are that these things will be searchable, you can do a search for "== Tooltip ==" for example to get a list of elements that have a tooltip. Links to these searches will be provided. This pages can be filled in and included as part of the analysis in the overview part.

  • Existing artifacts will be migrated during the next iterations
  • A section in the specification index will contain explanation of common elements - for example frame, tooltip, tab, palette.
  • Similar structure (as the tree) will be included for the elements in the book. It will contain
    • Type
    • Description
    • Diagram
    • Tooltip
    • Mouse Behavior
    • Keyboard Behavior
    • Mouse + Keyboard
    • Triggered by
    • Related tasks

but the triggered by should be renamed somehow, for example "Created by". The drag and drop table will be the only element that will reamain as table. The table will be migrated to the wiki, but probably a trac plugin for nice table editing will be installed. Note that this requres a new template for the in page elements as there are differences.

  • A how-to will be created with instructions on filling the specifications.
  • Templates for the diagrams will be created and put into the documentation diagrams folder in the repository. Instructions on using them will be provided as a text document for example.
  • After completeing the migration in the specifications managing tasks the existing artifacts may be deleted.
  • A sample of the structure may be found here GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE_R2/Sample
  • The tree is generated and attached
    • The useful information is extracted with Notepad++ replacing the obsolete information using the following regular expression:
      • Find: \[FakeAuthorMain\] DEBUG -(.*)org[\.a-z2]*
      • Replace with: \1

This can be used for future generated trees. The regular expression should be updated in order to create actual links to the wiki pages.

  • An open question is how to name the resulted pages - with current names that are very convinient or with "human" names that may cause misunderstandings.
  • A sample diagram is attached to show a draft template. Note that templates are part of the implementation phase of this task.
  • The tree structure will be only visual, the actual structure will be flat as subpages of GlobalSpecification


  • Created the GlobalSpecification page with the current existing tree.
  • Designed a regular expression that moves the tree into a wiki page.
    • Find: \[FakeAuthorMain\] DEBUG -(.*)org[\.a-z2]*([A-Za-z]*).*
    • Replace: \1\2?
  • Created PageTemplates/SpecUI template for the user interface elements, PageTemplates/SpecBook for the book elements.
  • Created diagram templates for Dialog, Hud and Palette. [1676]
  • Created queries for toolips and diagrams, they are linked at the bottom of the page.
  • Because of timeboxing, inbook tree will be postponed. Will add comment for the next revision. A fake structure for existing artifacts will be used.
  • Created GlobalSpecification/DragNDrop. A better way of editing will be useful.
  • Splitting by source of the element seems enough for now.
  • Task requirements are fullfilled


(Place the testing results here.)

