Script for Laura Brown Presentation
(this is based on the last demo with new features.)
Media for the demonstration
Media for the demonstration can be found here as a zip file; or you can take all the files that are in branches/danvisel/sophie2-platform/userdoc-images/DEMO_MATERIAL in Subversion.
Page 1
Contains the title page to the book. Demonstrates making a new book, use of halos and HUDs, page HUD, frame HUD, basic interface, book preview.
- Create a new book (File > New Book). Set the title to "Demonstration Book", the width to 800, and the height to 600.
- Resize the book window (by pulling the lower right corner) so that the entire page is visible.
- Open the page border & fill HUD.
- Demonstrate changing the fill color: change the fill to blue.
- Set the margins on the page to 0 on all sides.
- Close the page border & fill HUD.
- Insert the title image. Choose Insert > Image and select "tutorial page 1.png". The image will be inserted on the page.
- Click on the image to bring up the frame halos.
- Click on the image's border & fill halo to open the image's border & fill HUD.
- Set the margins on all sides of the frame to 0.
- Close the image's border & fill HUD.
- Open the image's frame properties halo to open the frame properties HUD.
- Set the X to 0, and the Y to 0.
- Close the image's frame properties HUD.
- Click on the "Open Preview" button in the book's status bar.
- The book will open in preview mode: this is how your page will appear in Sophie Reader.
- Close the preview by clicking the "X" in its title bar.
- Press the >> button to create page 2 and to go to that page.
Page 2
Contains a text frame. Demonstrates: more fills, text, borders, fills, basic interface.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo.
- Set the margins on the frame to 0 on all sides.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select tutorial page 2.png.
- Your page now has a background. Click on the page's border & fill halo again to close the HUD.
- Choose Insert > Text to insert a text frame.
- Start typing to insert text in the book.
- Click on the text halo to open the text HUD.
- Change the font and the font size to something else.
- Click on the text halo again to close the text HUD.
- Resize that frame by dragging the edges so that not all of the text fits in the frame.
- Add another frame by choosing Insert > Text.
- Click the first frame's chain halo, then select the second frame to chain the two frames.
- Drag the drag handle to try moving the frame around; move the frame to the center of the page.
- Click on one of the rotate halos to rotate the frame.
- Click on the compass halo and enter "-10" to demonstrate rotating a frame manually.
- Click on the compass halo again to close the rotation HUD.
- Click on the margins & padding halo to open the margin & padding HUD.
- Set the padding values to 20 on all sides to demonstrate padding.
- Click on the margins & padding halo again to close the margin & padding HUD.
- Click on the >> button to go to the next page.
Page 3
Contains two images. Demonstrates: images, z-order, aligning, grouping.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo to open the page's border & fill HUD.
- Set the margins on the frame to 0 on all sides.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select tutorial page 3.png.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo again to close the page's border & fill HUD.
- Select Insert > Image to insert an image on the page. Choose tutorial page 3 cat.jpg.
- Select Insert > Image to insert an image on the page. Choose tutorial page 3 dog.jpg.
- The dog image is in front of the cat. Move the cat in front of the dog by selecting the dog and pressing the Z- button to move him backwards.
- Now select the dog and press the Z+ button to move him forwards.
- Drag the drag handle on the dog image so that the dog is on the right side of the page.
- Click on the dog, then shift-click on the cat to select both images. New halos appear.
- Click the align halo to open the align HUD.
- Click the Align Top button to align the top of the two images.
- Click the align halo again to close the align HUD.
- Click the gr halo to group the two images.
- Click on the page so that the images are not selected.
- Now click on one of the images: both will be selected as a group.
- Drag the drag handle to move the grouped images together.
- Click on the >> button to go to the next page.
Page 4
Contains audio & video files, as well as audio recording. Demonstrates: audio & video in Sophie, preview mode.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo to open the page's border & fill HUD.
- Set the margins on the frame to 0 on all sides.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select tutorial page 4.png.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo again to close the page's border & fill HUD.
- Select Insert > Audio to add an audio file to the book. Select demo audio.wav.
- Press the PLAY button to play the audio.
- Press the STOP button to stop the audio.
- Select the audio frame's border & fill icon to open the audio's border & fill HUD.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select audio backdrop.jpg.
- Click on the border & fill halo to close the border & fill HUD.
- Select Insert > Video to add a video file to the book. Select demo video.avi.
- Click the video to bring up its halos, then drag its drag handle so the video is not on top of the audio.
- Open the video's frame properties halo to open the frame properties HUD.
- Set the video's size to 320 x 240 so that it's double the size.
- Click on the frame properties halo to close the frame properties HUD.
- Press the PLAY button to play the video.
- Press the STOP button to stop the video.
- Select Insert > Audio Record to record audio.
- Click the record button to start recording; say something.
- Click the stop button to stop recording.
- Select the frame of the recording and move it on the page by dragging the drag handle.
- Press the PLAY button to play your recording.
- Press the STOP button to stop your recording.
- Click "Open Preview" to see how the audio and video works in preview mode.
- Press the PLAY button to play the audio.
- Press the PLAY button to play the video.
- Close the preview window.
- Click on the >> button to go to the next page.
Page 5
Demonstrates how hide/show links works.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo to open the page's border & fill HUD.
- Set the margins on the frame to 0 on all sides.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select tutorial page 5.png.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo again to close the page's border & fill HUD.
- Select Insert > Image to insert an image; choose open button.gif.
- Open the image's frame properties halo to open the frame properties HUD.
- Click on the frame properties halo to close the frame properties HUD.
- Select Insert > Image to insert an image; choose close button.gif.
- Open the image's frame properties halo to open the frame properties HUD.
- Set the Y value to 200.
- Click on the frame properties halo to close the frame properties HUD.
- Select 'Insert > Image to insert an image; choose toggle button.gif.
- Open the image's frame properties halo to open the frame properties HUD.
- Set the Y value to 325.
- Click on the frame properties halo to close the frame properties HUD.
- Click on the Open image, then shift-click on the Close and Toggle buttons.
- Click on the align halo to open the align HUD.
- Click on "align left".
- Click on the align halo again to close the align HUD.
- Select Insert > Image to insert an image; choose target button.gif.
- Open the image's frame properties halo to open the frame properties HUD.
- Click on the frame properties halo to close the frame properties HUD.
- Drag the target frame's drag handle to move it to the right side of the page.
- Select the open button.
- Click the link halo to open the link HUD.
- Press the + button to add a link.
- Choose link trigger FRAME_MOUSE_RELEASED.
- Choose link action Show frame.
- In the Select frame section, choose Frame D, the target frame.
- Click the link halo to close the link HUD.
- Select the close button.
- Click the link halo to open the link HUD.
- Press the + button to add a link.
- Choose link trigger FRAME_MOUSE_RELEASED.
- Choose link action Hide frame.
- In the Select frame section, choose Frame D, the target frame.
- Click the link halo to close the link HUD.
- Select the toggle button.
- Click the link halo to open the link HUD.
- Press the + button to add a link.
- Choose link trigger FRAME_MOUSE_RELEASED.
- Choose link action Toggle frame.
- In the Select frame section, choose Frame D, the target frame.
- Click the link halo to close the link HUD.
- Click on the Open Preview button to open a preview of the book.
- Click the close button to hide the target frame.
- Click the open button to show the target frame.
- Click the toggle button to hide the target frame.
- Click the toggle button again to show the target frame.
- Close the preview window.
- Click on the >> button to go to the next page.
Page 6
Demonstrate embedded books.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo to open the page's border & fill HUD.
- Set the margins on the frame to 0 on all sides.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select tutorial page 6.png.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo again to close the page's border & fill HUD.
- Select Insert > Embedded Book to insert an embedded book. Choose FivePageBook.sjrb.
- Click on the embedded book to bring up the halos.
- Drag the embedded book's drag handle to center it on the page.
- Click the forward and back arrows in the lower left of the embedded book to turn the pages of the embedded book.
- Click the Open Preview button to open a preview of the current book.
- Click the forward and back arrows in the lower left of the embedded book to turn the pages of the embedded book.
- Close the preview window.
- Click on the >> button to go to the next page.
Page 7
Demonstrate exporting HTML/PDF/printing. Also demonstrates importing PDF.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo to open the page's border & fill HUD.
- Set the margins on the frame to 0 on all sides.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select tutorial page 7.png.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo again to close the page's border & fill HUD.
- Select File > Export as > PDF. Give the exported PDF the filename exported pdf.pdf.
- Outside of Sophie, open the exported PDF in a PDF viewer.
- Back in Sophie, select File > Export as > HTML. Give the exported HTML the filename exported html.html.
- Outside of Sophie, open the exported HTML in a browser.
- Back in Sophie, select File > Print and select your printer.
- Select File > Print to File and give the exported PostScript the filename exported
- Outside of Sophie, open the exported PostScript in a PostScript viewer, then print it if desired.
- Back in Sophie, select Insert > PDF and select exported pdf.pdf, the PDF you just output.
- Select the PDF frame on the page; using the drag handle, drag it to the center of the page.
- Click on the >> button to go to the next page.
Page 8
Demonstrate saving the book and opening it in Reader.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo to open the page's border & fill HUD.
- Set the margins on the frame to 0 on all sides.
- Click the square next to "image" in the "Background filling" section. Select tutorial page 7.png.
- Click on the page's border & fill halo again to close the page's border & fill HUD.
- Select File > Save. Give the book the name demonstration book.sjrb.
- Quit Sophie by pressing control-q.
- Open Sophie Reader.
- Select File > Open and choose demonstration book.sjrb.
- The book should open and work correctly.
- To add a new sticky, click the New Sticky button.
- You'll be asked if you want to start a new annotation set; click OK.
- A new sticky is created.
- Go into full screen mode by selecting View > Full Screen Mode.
- Flip through the pages of the book in full screen mode.
- Exit full screen mode, by pressing F11.
- Set zoom to 50% to show the book at half size.
- Set zoom to 200% to show the book at double size.
- Set zoom back to 100%.
Sophie Server
(This is a demo of the web component of Sophie Server; also we want to demo uploading a book to Sophie Server.) (I can't currently get S2S (which was at to work, so I can't do anything with this.)
Click Toggle Selected button, then Refresh, then double-click on book title to open.