should include also recent books Opened Books Palette") depends('BASE_LAYOUT', 'DOCUMENT_FILE_MANAGEMENT')
The opened books palette should visualize the opened books as a list. The list should be similar to the list in DOCUMENT_FILE_MANAGEMENT_R0.
- A list with currently opened books in order of opening
- A separator
- A list with recently opened books
The items in the list should be clickable and draggable buttons.
- When clicked the book is focused/opened
- When dragged, the book is opened
Task requirements
- Create a palette positioned in the left flap by default
- Provide the listing mentioned in the task overview
- Implement the functionality on mouse left click
- Keep in mind that this task has only two revisions with same effort
- Dragging may be postponed
Task result
The result of this task is code.
Implementation idea
Implement this task in parallel or after DOCUMENT_FILE_MANAGEMENT_R0. Take a look at APP_WINDOW_MENU_R0 as the recent books list should be implemented there.
How to demo
Open(Create) some books.
- Scroll between the books by clicking books buttons in the Opened books palette.
- Open a book by clicking it's button in Recent books list.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
question? should discuss if opening of a book more that once will be available.