PLATFORM_INFRASTRUCTURE_OVERVIEW defines how to setup a computer so it can be used in Sophie2's development process.
The goal of the current revision is to update the document so a new developer will be able to prepare his machine in less time.
Task requirements
Point out that Maven has to be installed. This information is available in DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW, but in this document it is missing.
There is internal maven repository using nexus on so there is no need of executing the mvn commands in the end of readme.txt file. Remove that section from the wiki page.
Provide shell scripts for Linux and batch and registry scripts for Windows:
- Although Maven installation is an external tool, we can create installation scripts for it (set environment variables, etc.)
- These scripts may not work for future versions of Maven.
Provide some screenshots where the text is too long. If an image has to be large, display smaller version, which links to the full-size version.
There are several comments in PLATFORM_INFRASTRUCTURE_OVERVIEW:
- When installing M2 Eclipse Plug-in remove the "Maven Integration for AJDT", otherwise there are missing dependencies and the instalation can not continue. (pac)
- To work with Subclipse under Linux platforms you should install SVNKit package. Here is the plugin Eclipse edition: (pav)
- You should exclude "Maven POM Editor" when installing the M2 Eclipse Plug-in - the same reason as in the first comment. JavaHL is required for SVN only, not M2. --boyan@2009-01-12
Review the comments and integrate the information in the main text.
Task result
- Scripts
Implementation idea
For the scripts:
Go to the end of There are detailed instructions what has to be done.
(mitex can create the scripts)
How to demo
- Open PLATFORM_INFRASTRUCTURE_OVERVIEW and show the updated sections.
- Include the PageOutline macro at the top. The page is long and it's good to have a table of contents.
- Add a section "Maven":
- Write it after the section "Eclipse 3.4".
- Provide quick explanation what is Maven (e.g. "Maven is a software tool for Java project management and build automation.").
- Provide some links:
- - home page
- - downloads and installation instructions.
- Create installation scripts for Windows and Linux and instructions for use:
- Follow the installation instructions in
- Windows: create a batch file (*.bat)
- Echo some information text - what's this program for, requires admin account, syntax, etc., then "PAUSE"
- User should provide as command-line arguments:
- A directory where Maven is installed (unzipped)
- JDK's home directory
- Substitutes \ with
for use in the registry file, described below. - The batch file creates a temporary registry file (*.reg):
- sets all required environment variables
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
- Use REG_EXPAND_SZ type for variables, containing values of other variables
- Import the reg file (REGEDIT <filename>.reg)
- Linux: create a shell script file (*.sh)
- Echo some information text - what's this program for, syntax, etc.
- The user should provide as arguments:
- Maven's installation archive.
- A directory where Maven will be installed (unzipped).
- If no arguments are given, ask for them.
- Extract Maven.
- Search for JDK's directory.
- Set all variables.
- Test the linux scripts in Ubuntu.
- Windows: create a batch file (*.bat)
- Add links to these scripts in the Maven's section of the wiki page.
- Add a warning message in the wiki page saying that these scripts may not work with future versions of Maven.
- Follow the installation instructions in
- In "Maven Integration":
- Remove the bullet "See ...txt. In the bottom of the file are three mvn commands...".
- Provide a link to the comments below the text.
- Provide the following screenshots:
- Next to the paragraph "After you eventually import the project..." - small screenshot of Eclipse's Project Explorer, containing all of the described icons.
- Next to ""Team" menu" - small screenshot of the context menu in Project Explorer, with Team menu opened.
- The same should be done for the Maven menu.
- Use PNG format for the screenshots.
- In "Subclipse":
- Move the second comment from PLATFORM_INFRASTRUCTURE_OVERVIEW.
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)