Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 10/04/08 16:45:08



This task Depends on PLUGIN_DECOMPOSITION task.
PLUGIN_DECOMPOSITION represents a set of all plug-ins. Furthermore we should define three unions of elements from that set, which are packed and combined to construct the three main parts of Sophie2 Project. These include: The Author, The Reader and The Server. If we define the three parts as three unions of plugins their intersection is NOT null or void. This means that a plugin which is part of the Author may also be part of the Reader.

Task requirements

  • We should have three parts of plugins that define the Author, Reader and Server.
  • Every plugins should be part of at least one of the three.
  • We should define the technical process of dividing and packing the plugins into the editions.
    • Research Maven.
    • Research JPF.

Task Result

  • Wiki page with the three editions' structure of plugins.
  • Properly configured plugins.
  • Properly configured Maven.

Implementation idea


How to demo

  • Go to the corresponding wiki page and explain the three editions and their structure.
  • -




The wiki page is created. The author edition module



  • Analyzing : Dean, Pavlina(done: 20 mins)
  • Analyzing 2: Peko - done 15 mins
  • Designing : Pavlina - 30 mins
  • Implementing :Pavlina - 2d
    • Review - Peko - 3 - 10 mins - Plugins cannot be turned off so that sophie2 is running.
  • Testing :