To improve the quality of code, visible product, documentation and its regular reading we must have strictly defined rules to follow.
Task requirements
You have to:
- Define initial process(see for help)
- Keep track how the process works
- Tune it
Requirements to the task result
wiki page
Implementation idea
How to demo
show the wiki page to the others, follow the instructions to the process and track the results
- See what is useful from and write new document in important docs which define the process.
- In another document write down your observation and suggestions about the current process (see daily and global(if there is any) reports, iteration schedule, iteration logs and reviews)
- See what you can do to improve the process where it needs to be improved, gather opinions from others and redact the process document with the new ideas.
- there must be synchronization with the standards and the real analysis, design and implementation phases.
- there should be rules and discipline added about the design phase, its review and implementation phase next to it.
- more discipline reading the available documentation and its changes during the iteration.(communication in the team with the new things for reading)
The example of is used for creating the result of implementation, after discussions between members some new things were added and some unnecessary items were removed. Every team member must be familiar with the content of that document, it is vital for the work process to obey the rules established in it.
- Analyzing : Pavlina, Todor(done: 20 mins)
- Refactoring: Deyan (done: 5 mins)
- Analysis Review: 3 - OK - Peko (5 mins)
- Designing : Pavlina (done: 30 mins)
- Design Review: 3 - OK - Peko (5 mins)
- Implementing : Pavlina
- Implementation Review: 4 - OK - Peko (55 mins)
- Super Review: milo - 2 - The whole structure needs to be reviewed, lots of things are not for here (should be placed in other places)!
- Implementing 2: Peko - done - 5m - Some things removed from PROCESS(they already existed in PLATFORM_STANDARDS_CODE_R0)
- Review: 3.5 by todor. Added links for some docs that weren't ready when this task was in implementation phase. Things that weren't for here are already removed.
- Testing :