Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 12/28/08 23:14:38
The core should be able to provide functionality for managing books. Permissions for work with books and commenting them will be necessary on some stage.
Task requirements
- Design the model of the server core for basic management of books.
- We should be able to list and search for books to add, edit and delete books.
- May be in this revision is not necessary to have defined permissions of the users on the books and comments. So the core model should be really simple for now.
Task result
The result of this task will be basic core logic for managing books.
Implementation idea
All that is needed for now is just a class that provides methods such as:
List<Book> getAllBooks(); boolean addBook(Book book); boolean saveBook(Book editedBook);
and etc...
How to demo
- Add a book.
- Edit a book.
- Retrieve all the books.
- Delete a book.
- The core security logic is implemented in S2S_CORE_SECURITY_R0. You can look at the design to see security class diagrams.
- The Book Service:
- Will have method for adding a book. The method will check if the Book exists in the database for this user. In the other cases the logger should warn that there is already such book.
- Will have method for saving a book. The method will receive as parameter an edited Book object.
- Will have method for deleting a book.
- Will have method that provides all the books an user is created. It returns list with the books.
- Will have method that provides all the books. It returns list with all the books.
- Will have a method that provides a book by its title.
- Will have a method that search book by a given criteria passed as Map {book_field_name => value}.
- Here is the class diagram representing the core book model:
- Here are the tests:
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)