Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 12/23/08 17:21:10
The web interface should provide a way for editing and deleting books already existing on the server. For each book there should be separate page for manipulation.
Task requirements
- For each book uploaded by user, should be created a page for editing.
- The user should be able to delete his/her own books.
Task result
- Page providing book manipulation unique for each book.
Implementation idea
- Use BookService class and its methods.
- Create a jso page with dynamic content different for the different books.
How to demo
Show the newly created page for manipulating with books.
- create a page edit_book.jsp
- the page must not be accessible from users with username different from the book author.
- put a "Delete" button in this page - it will delete the bok entry from the database for now;
- there must be a form with the fields, representing book properties. They will automatically fill-in on page load with the current values;
- fields to be present: author,title,fileName,version,description,copyright,allowclone(checkbox);
- buttons at the form bottom: Update, Cancel.
- the "author" field must be immutable.
- the collected data must be posted to a servlet (for example, BookEditorServlet), which will update the book entry if the data is correct, and return to the jsp with appropriate warning message is a problem occurs.
- Add entry for the new servlet in
- Add the appropriate constant strings for the warning messages in
- in books.jsp, add the "/edit_book.jsp" with appropriate parameters as link for the "edit" button. The resulting address for each book should look like: "/edit_book.jsp?title={title}"
- in my_sophie.jsp(S2S_WEB_BOOK_MANAGEMENT_R0), make the links for each book title correct;
edit_book.jsp created:
- non-logged users, users which are not authors to a book, ot incorrect book parameters are redirected to the index.jsp
- Delete button was created, which asks for confirmation when clicked. If confirmed, redirects to the BookDeleteServlet servlet, which actually deletes the book and returns with appropriate message.
- The book fields are implemented as the Design.
- two more buttons: Update, which redirects to BookEditorServlet, and Cancel, which returns to index.jsp
- BookEditorServlet is implemented as the design says.
ServerModule was updated with the two servlet entries.
ServerConstants was updated with BOOK_DELETED and BOOK_CANNOT_DELETE.
Links in my_sophie.jsp and books.jsp were set up.
Changeset: 1075,1076,1077,1078,1079
refactoring: 1082, 1083, 1084
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)