The Sophie2 testing sever is an instance of the sophie 2 server which is running on the server machine. It will be updated with the new code written for the server, while the database remains.
Task requirements
- Create runnable jars with the current server modules - org.sophie2.server and org.sophie2.server.persistence.
- Upload the built server modules to the server machine in an appropriate place.(s2s folder maybe).
- Ensure the server is always on, even after a reboot. It should be viewable from outside.
- Take the updated server modules from the hudson builds.
- Create user for sophie 2 server from which the server should be run.
Task result
- Running instance of the server on the server machine with global access.
Implementation idea
- Now maven packages the server and persistence modules, in target folder but without the database. Research how to package also the database.
- Use maven-jspc-plugin to compile the jsps.
- The url can be
How to demo
- Show the running server from its url.
The main idea is to run the server module through the TrueServerMain launcher. If it starts, the jsps are shown and the database is running also, the task is ready. These are the steps to follow:
- Fix the Main class in the launcher module - the appended parts to the path to the bundles are not correct right now.
- Add the org.sophie2.core bundle to the server.bundles.config file. It is needed for starting the server.
- Correct the creation of the database - it must be created in src/main/resources/s2s_db folder. Just set the path to be the DB_NAME field.
- Think out a way to compile the JSPs and add them to the jar so that the server knows where to search them. Use maven-jetty-jspc-plugin. You should create a separate profile for compilation of the jsps. See
- Create s2s user in the server machine and copy the needed resources for starting the server (launcher module with the config file listing the needed bundles). Use the result of APP_PLUGIN_STARTUP_R0
- Create bash script with start, stop and restart options.
- Note: Do not forget to build the modules after editing them so you can really see the result when starting the TrueServerMain launcher.
- Design steps are completed.
- Added JSP Mapping to the web configuration.
- There is a profile named "jspcompile" which must be run to compile the jsps before running the FakeServerMain. In order to use it run 'mvn -Djspcompile install -Dmaven.test.skip=true' in org.sophie2.server module.
- Go to to see the testing server running.
User documentation
(none yet.)
Release documentation
Shows that the test implementation of S2S is running correctly and can be viewed.
Manual tests
Main tests
Related tests
Testlink test ids: 323, 773, 776
Reported bugs
(none so far)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)