Our workflow was affected of bad tasks sorting due to the lack of dependences between the tasks. If we manage to organize the list of the tasks for this iteration we could save a lot of time and our work will be more purposive and easy.
Task requirements
For this revision of the task you must:
- Sort the tasks for this iteration
- (optional) Sort the tasks for the next iterations
- Put dependences in the tickets
Task result
The result of this task must be sorted wiki page for this (and if possible for next) iteration.
Implementation idea
Think about the integration between the sorting and the wiki ticket system.
How to demo
Open the iteration page. The tasks must be sorted according to their dependencies and priority.
We have to do the following:
- manually sort the tasks for this iteration
- sort them by order from 10 to 99
- start with default 10 value for each of them
- some tasks can be with equal value
- create "order" field in manage/sched/ and use it to sort the tasks for this iteration
- use the "order" field to sort the other tasks if we have enough time
- put dependencies in the tickets using the result of the manual sort
We've ordered the tasks in , for now we won't use the tickets. In this implementation we:
- Created list with the ordered tasks for this iteration.
- Added imp (importances) for the tasks from this iteration in
- Exported ordered tasks for this iteration from the python file
- the function doing this is outIterationWiki(currentMilestone)