Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 02/07/09 14:39:21

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=SCS_MAIL_LIST_R3, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



Mail list eases communication between team members.

Task requirements

Send 2 e-mails

  • Mail 1 should contain information from the sprint closing
  • Mail 2 should contain sub-team information
    • Collect information about sub-team mail lists
    • Suggest creating sub-team mail lists where none (See implementation idea)
    • Send an e-mail containing information on sub-team e-mails

Task result

e-mails sent to the developers mail lists. New mail lists if needed.

Implementation idea

Implement this tasks in parallel with SCS_PROJECT_BLOG_R2
For the sub-team mail list sophie2-devs-teamname@googlegroups.. format would be usable.


How to demo

As the mails are sent and people have seen them, explain what is done in a sentence.


  • Used the 0m03-closing.txt to create a sample content of summary mail for the third iteration
    With the end of ITERATION_03 comes our regular summary, about what has been done. At first look our results are not very impressive. We've managed to complete 40 out of 113 tasks which makes 34%. On the other hand the number of successful tasks is much higher than the previous sprints.
    The server team managed to finish all of their coding tasks and even one from the ITERATION_04. As a result we now have functional Hudson build server ( and operational Sophie2 testing server ( Other teams also did a good job and now we have Sophie2 Author deployed via JWS.
    On 15 of December was launched our first release which is now available at , now we're looking forward to our second release which is planned for 13 of February.
    The conclusions of the ITERATION_03 closing are:
    What went well:
     * New PCs
     * Server team finished all their tasks
     * Team split
     * Progress checks are useful
     * Done more discussions
     * Utilize other rooms
     * New team members integrated
     * Some people with global vision
    What could be better:
     * Discipline and respecting the process
     * Availability of some remote team members
     * Need better organization
     * Small percentage of finished tasks
     * Better productivity needed
    After discussions in which participated all team members, we've decided that we need to work in several directions in order to improve our work:
     * Improve self discipline - we must respect the process and follow the established rules strictly (commit daily reports, use internal backlog, provide information about our availability in advance)
     * Better organization between teams - all team leaders need to improve their communication with their team members and other teams
     * Provide and discuss ideas about improvement - all team members are encouraged to propose different ways for improving our productivity (the proposals may concern all aspects of our work process)
     * Work towards the overall goal - we need to have better overall view of the project
     * Team leaders do daily reviews - this is one of the ways to improve the team communication and improve discipline
    Regards, Sophie team.
  • Second post sample content:
    As announced earlier a wiki page with links to useful videos is now available at .
    We hope that you will find answers to most of your questions about the project there. 
  • Send a copy with the sample content to Ludmil and Nick for possible corrections.


  • After review and some minor corrections made by Ludmil the following mail was sent to sophie2-devs maillist:
    With the conclusion of ITERATION_03 comes our usual summary as to what has been done. At a first glance, the results of our work might not appear as especially impressive. We managed to complete 40 out of 113 tasks, which means 34%. However, the number of successfully completed tasks is much higher than in the previous sprints.
        The server team managed to finish all of their coding tasks including one from the ITERATION_04. As a result we now have a functional Hudson build server ( and operational Sophie2 testing server ( Our other Sophie project teams have also done a good job and we now have Sophie2 Author deployed via JWS.
        On 15 December we launched our first release, which is now available at We are now looking forward to our second release, which is planned for 13 February.
        The list below summarizes ITERATION_03:
        What went well:
        * The arrival of additional hardware and software for the expanded team
        * The Server team completed all of its tasks
        * The overall team was successfully organized into separate groups with specific tasks
        * Progress checks proved useful
        * More discussions took place
        * The utilization of additional facilities for the team
        * The successful integration of new team members
        * The addition of some outstanding new members with a "global" vision of the product
        What could be better:
        * Discipline and respecting the process
        * Even better organization
        * A higher percentage of completed tasks
        * Even higher productivity
        After discussions in which all team members participated, we decided that we need to work in several directions in order to implement improvements:
        * Improve self discipline - we must respect the process and follow the established rules strictly (commit daily reports, use internal backlogs, etc.)
        * Better coordination between the teams - all team leaders need to improve their communication with their team members and other teams
        * Circulation of ideas concerning improvement - all team members have been encouraged to propose different ways for improving productivity (the proposals may concern all aspects of our work process)
        * Work towards the overall goal - we need to have an even better overall view of the project and its future
        * Team leaders to do daily reviews - this is one of the ways to improve the team communication and improve discipline
        Best regards from the Sophie team!
  • Second mail was sent:
    As announced earlier a wiki page with links to useful videos is now available at .
    We hope that you will find answers to most of your questions about the project there.



(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)