Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 12/15/08 09:59:06

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=SCS_PROJECT_BLOG_R2, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



We use a Blog to communicate with the users as well as a forum and mail groups. In the Blog we describe what is happening with the project - current status, sprint overviews, used technologies, obstacles (impediments).

Task requirements

Write at least one post about our progress, including:

  • last sprint overview(added features and functionality)
  • explain which technologies were used in this sprint
  • what is planned to be done next month(next sprint)
  • were there any impediments during the process

Task result

An updated blog.

Implementation idea

Use the closing reports from iterations M02 and M02b to see what is already done, the backlog could also be useful.


How to demo

Show the updated blog to the team, send an e-mail to the mail group (see SCS_MAIL_LIST_R2).


  • A post containing report for the last iterations with content similar to the mail about our status. Sample content:

It's been a while since we've last reported our progress. Now it's time to catch up and inform you about Sophie2 status.
Because we didn't manage to finish ITERATION_02 in time and with desired result, we were compelled to schedule additional ITERATION_02b in order to finish all the tasks left from previous iterations and raise even more the quality of the product. Because the lack of resources during ITERATION_02, we started and designed most of the task but few tasks were completely finished. On the other hand a lot of new people joined our team for ITERATION_02b and with collective effort we've finished it successfully. Most of the tasks were completely finished and the rest we intend to finish as soon as possible. Some of the things that need to be mentioned are the created overviews (project and development) and our progress in server related tasks (some demo pages are already created).
Results from the retrospection of ITERATION_02b:
What went well:

  • There are more people integrated now
  • Useful discussions were done
  • Most tasks were finished
  • Very good productivity at the end of the sprint
  • Useful presentations in Sheraton Hotel

What could be better:

  • We didn't finish all tasks
  • Lack of machines
  • The oragnization should be better (too much noise)
  • There was no clear description to some tasks

How to improve summary:

  • Make more design discussions
  • Start hard tasks early
  • No new code last day
  • Weekly task boxing
  • More information about development tools in the wiki

Another thing worth mentioning is the new team infrasrtucture. Because now we're more people working on more tasks, we decided to make team split in order to achieve better productivity and quality. Now all team members are divided into a different teams (Main, Base, Extra, Server, Analysis, Release). Maybe later more detailed information will be included in the process page. Now we're looking forward to our first release scheduled for 15th of December.

  • Second post containing information for videos:

Soon a public access to videos of our weekly meetings and discussions will be available. This way more information about different technologies and practices will be brought to you. This way we expect to provide a lot of answers to your questions, and ease your work on the project. The links to the videos will be provided as soon as possible.


The two posts from design part are posted with some minor changes in the blog.



(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)