We will use a Blog to communicate with the users as well as a forum and mail groups. In the Blog we'll describe what is happening with the project - current status, sprint overviews, used technologies, obstacles (imprediments).
Task requirements
For this revision of the task we must:
- Write a post about our progress during the last iteration
- (optional) Write a post with common information (something interesting about the team or the process of development of Sophie 2.0)
Task result
The result of this task must be at least two posts in the project's blog.
Implementation idea
One post about the results of ITERATION_01 and one post with interesting news about team members or developing process should be enough.
How to demo
Show the blog and the new posts.
The post for the blog about the project status will be the same as the mail sent to sophie2-devs mailgroup with some minor changes:
Hello to all who are interested in the Sophie 2.0 development process, with the end of our first iteration comes our first post in the blog about the current status of the project.
Like some of you may know we've managed to complete almost all tasks of ITERATION_01, and now we're looking forward to beginning our next iteration. As a fully open source project the information about the progress of Sophie 2.0 is publicly available at where you can find more detailed information about the tasks we're working on and their state.
As a whole during this iteration we've established some fundamental standard about the work processes and created templates for task completion howtos. Most of our work was concentrated on writing documents and templates that will ease our work in the future. Although we've made a lot of changes on them and that cost us a lot of time in refactoring already finished tasks according to the new templates. Now we have a firm base that we'll use in the future.
Our goal for the next sprint is to increase productivity, so that we can do everything on time. For the second iteration we have 61 planned tasks + 3 unplanned tasks (left from the previous sprint). We've also took some decisions on how to improve:
- Focus time - from :15 to :00 of each hour is time to focus. No distractions are allowed during focus-time. If it is really important to communicate with someone, the communication should be done in a way that does not affect the others.
- Task ordering - as part of SCHEDULE_MAINTENANCE_R1 task, the tasks should be ordered in appropriate way.
- Maintenance tasks should be done first (and not last).
- As part of SCS_WIKI_SETUP_R0 someone should ensure that everything is up after a power failure.
- In order for people to have better idea what each task is about, we should describe each planned task briefly in the beginning of the sprint. The results of these are in manage/reports/m02/0m02-descriptions-bg.txt and manage/reports/m02/0m02-descriptions-bg.txt
- We decided to have a weekly meetings, every monday at 10:00(EEST). They should not be long, so everyone has to be on time. The weeklies consists of a short report of everyone, on "What were you doing the last week", "What will you do the next week", "Impediments", followed by a tech presentation (of a library, technology, tool, etc.) or a design discussions. Everything should be no longer than 1 hour.
In future we will follow the tradition to inform you for our progress at the end of each iteration.
The following post will be the second for this revision of the task:
At the moment we're in the middle of our second iteration. And we decided that it is about time to give you some more information about our progress. We've managed to integrate Maven and Ant so far, and we have Sophie 2.0 builds using these technologies. We're adopting new workflow which aims to ease us in distinguishing the different phases of each task. It also will give us the opportunity to leave comments which is very useful option. After the first iteration being more "documents/standards oriented", we're now beginning to focus on coding tasks related to Sophie basic functionalities. We're also working on the three unfinished tasks from the first iteration.
As we're moving forward we expect our team to grow, this way we will sustain our work pace. This way it will be easier to achieve higher quality at the expected milestones.
So far so good, at the end of the iteration there will be post with more detailed information about what we've done, and what we expect for the next sprint.
The result of this task is the post of the blog called iteration01 and the post after it.