Input the three unplanned tasks. Arrange the reports and specificate their situation. Fix dates of the milestones. Structure to write a final report.
Task requirements
The sub-tasks for this revision are:
- Add unplanned tasks
to the Iteration page. Please note dependencies and priorities in SCHEDULE_WBS_DEPENDENCIES_R1, these requirements must be satisfied for added tasks too. Leave the old ticket and create a new one. In the old ticket provide a link to the new one. In the LOG wiki page write down that the task has failed and provide a link to the new Ticket.
Consider how to add them - by adding new revisions to the wbs or editing the page. Note that changing revisions will probably cause more issues.
- Design a structure for iteration reports.
- Arrange the reports. Create a folder for each iteration (may be done later for more convenient work - folder for the current iteration may be done at the beginning of it.)
- Review current dates of the milestones. See the start date of Iteration2 and current Iteration Calendar. Recheck the milestone length, calculate new
dates. Fix the dates in manage/sched/Sprints.txt. Consider renaming Sprints.txt -> sprints.txt. You may also add sprint requirements in this document, or add them in a wiki page (if so - consider which).
Task result
A wiki page, maintenance of wiki pages and other process documents.
Implementation idea
Create REPORTS with report requirements. Include requirements for daily (See manage/reports/0README.txt and iteration reports. Point the way to check if the report has "bad lines".
How to demo
Show added tasks from ITERATION_02. Explain implementation - was the page manually edited or re-generated (this should be explained in Implementation section too). Show Sprints.txt (or sprints.txt) and explain iteration lengths. Explain maintained items from Related section.
- Create a wiki page => REPORTS
- Add a Manually added section of the Iteration page. List there the unplanned tasks and create tickets for them.
- Add "later" resolution in the resolutions section of the admin panel of trac.
- Leave old tickets as "later" and provide links to the new unplanned ones.
- Change the milestones dates:
- one week more for the first 3 milestones.
- extend the 4th milestone with one week. It should finish on the 30th of December.
- the milestones after the 4th milestone are not affected.
- the Christmas holiday will be lessened a little so that we are on schedule.
- Reports - a wiki page which contains the reports requirements. These applies to both daily and iteration reports.
- Added unplanned tasks at the bottom of the ITERATION_02
- link in the old tickets are now pointing to the new ones and the old are leaved as later.
- new sprints schedule
- here are the milestones changed accordingly Milestones in trac
- later resolution added here - use later when a task is not done on schedule. It means that the task goes into the next iteration.