Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 12/05/08 15:17:53

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt



The task has concentration on finalizing the migration of the repository.

Task requirements

  • Revise what is already done - internal and external structure.
  • Revise the contents of the repo - documents, diagrams etc.
  • Security issues:
    • Define the procedure for creating a user account (internally from the server step by step).
    • Maintain the current users.
      • Delete unused ones.
      • Create new ones.
  • Create anonymous user login and anonymous access for download.
  • Define what are the resources for anonymous download. ( We should not permit everyone to download everything.)

Task result

  • A more structured and consistent repository.
  • Wiki page defining and explaining the new things about the repo - user accounts creation and anonymous downloading of resources.

Implementation idea

  • Do the things described in Task requirements.


How to demo

  • Show the repository and explain what is different since last revision.
  • Show the wiki page created and explain the things connected with users and groups.


  • revised internal and external structure and contents of the repository
    • the anonymous users must have access only to trunk and tags directories but they must not have the rights to commit there
    • manage must be accessible only to the registered users
    • the registered users must be able to commit in the all repository directories
  • manage the accounts on the repository
    • make list with all developers that are going to use the repository and their idents and delete the rest (unused)
    • create accounts for the new team members
  • Create following structure on the new machine
    • create user SCS
    • in its home folder create following structure
      • /home/scs/svn/sophie2 - this directory must contain the svn repository
      • /home/scs/trac/sophie2 - this directory must contain the trac contents, trac is going to use apache server
  • collected desired usernames and password from the team members for svn and trac


  • The new repository is located at svn://
  • Created following structure on new machine
    • created user SCS
    • in its home folder created following structure
      • /home/scs/svn/sophie2 - this directory contains the svn repository
      • /home/scs/trac/sophie2 - this directory contains the trac contents, trac is going to use apache server
  • collected list with unique usernames and password from the team members for svn and trac
  • created accounts for all team members
  • now the anonymous users have no access to manage directory, only team members have such rights
  • trac is set up on other machine, the only thing that is left to do is migrating of the databases but this is subject to other task (SCS_WIKI_SETUP_R1)
  • added section about repository usage rights in PLATFORM_STANDARDS_REPOSITORY



  • Also note that the internal structure is not very nice. The repository is in a directory in /, and its permissions are 777... It would be good if the internal representation is also structured/secured better. --milo


Error: Macro Include(wiki:SCS_REPO_MIGRATE_R1_LOG) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block