Update of the testlink.
Task requirements
- Complete several of the testcases in Testlink
- testcases about Annotations
- testcases about Frame appearance editing
- testcases about Frame deleting
Task result
- Updated structure of TestLink
Implementation idea
Creating testcases for the following cases:
- Creating a sticky for the Annotation set
- inserting a sticky
- editing a sticky content
- deleting a sticky
- Deleting an annotation set
- Importing Annotation sets
- Exporting Annotation sets
- Filling style of a frame
- radial gradient
- linear gradient
- pattern filling
- Frame deleting
- regular frames
- Mindmap currently in
How to demo
Show the updated strcture of the testlink tree
Completing the following tasks:
Testcases related to the Annotation sets
1015 - Inserting a sticky
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start. 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page to which you want to add a sticky. The wanted page should be displayed. 4. Click on the BookExtras Tab in the Right Flap of the Book. The Book Extras Palette should be displayed. 5. Import or Create a new Annotation set. The Annotation set should be displayed. 6. Click on the "New Sticky" button in the BookExtras palette. A new sticky should be added to the page. 7. Save the book. The new sticky is saved in the book. 8. Load the book. Book with the added sticky should be displayed.
1020 - Sticky Content
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start. 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page with the added sticky. The wanted page should be displayed 4. Click on the sticky area and write some text. The written text should be displayed in the sticky. 5. Save the book. The new sticky content is saved in the book. 6. Load the book. Book with the added sticky content should be displayed.
1017 - Deleting a sticky
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start. 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page with the added sticky. The wanted page should be displayed. 4. Click on the sticky area. The sticky should be focused on. 5. Click on the X button in the top right corner of the sticky. A warning dialogue should appear. 6. Click on Yes to delete the sticky. The sticky should be deleted. 7. Save the book. The book without the sticky is saved. 8. Load the book. Book should be displayed without the sticky.
1006 - Deleting an Annotation set
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start. 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page to which you want to add a sticky. The wanted page should be displayed. 4. Click on the BookExtras Tab in the Right Flap of the Book. The Book Extras palette should be displayed. 5. Click on the desired Annotation set. The Annotation set should be highlighted in the palette. 6. Click on the "Close Extra" button. The desired Annotation set should be deleted from the book. 7. Save the book. The book is saved without the annotation set. 8. Load the book. Book should be displayed without the annotation set.
1008 - Exporting an Annotation set
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start. 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Click on the BookExtras Tab in the Right Flap of the Book. The Book Extras Palette should be displayed. 4. Click on the "Export Annotations" button. A file browser should appear. 5. Type the desired name of the Annotation set. The Annotation set should be saved. 6. Save the book. The book is saved with the annotation set. 7. Load the book. Book should be displayed with the annotation set and the exported annotation set should be saved in the chosen location.
1010 - Importing an Annotation set
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start. 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page to which you want to add an Annotation set. The wanted page should be displayed. 4. Click on the BookExtras Tab in the Right Flap of the Book. The Book Extras Palette should be displayed. 5. Click on the "Import Annotations" button. A file browser should appear. 6. Select the desired Annotation set. The Annotation set should be displayed. 7. Save the book. The book is saved with the imported annotation set. 8. Load the book. Book should be displayed with the imported annotation set.
Testcases related to Frame deleting
1089 - Resource frames
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start. 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page on which you want to edit a frame appearance. The wanted page should be displayed. 4. Click on the X button in the right end of the strip with the halo tabs. A warning dialogue should appear. 5. Click on Yes to delete the frame. The frame should be deleted. 6. Save the book. The book is saved with the deleted frame. 7. Load the book. Book should be displayed without the deleted frame.
Testcases related to Filling styles in Frame Appearance Editing
944 - Pattern Filling
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page on which you want to edit a frame appearance. The wanted page should be displayed 4. Click on the frame style halo. Frame style HUD should appear. 5. From the section background filling click on "pattern". A browse window should appear. 6. Navigate to image file and choose it (try with different file types) and click "Open". Background of the page should change accordingly and the image should appear in the resources. Your image should be "tiled" at the page background. 7. Save the book. The book is saved with the new background. 8. Load the book. Book should be displayed with the new background.
1067 - Radial Gradient Filling
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page on which you want to edit a frame appearance. The wanted page should be displayed 4. Click on the frame style halo. Frame style HUD should appear. 5. From the section background filling click on "gradient". A gradient HUD should appear. 6. In the gradient HUD in the Style dropdown menu pick "radial". Radial filling should appear in the frame on the right side of the dropdown menu. 7. Adjust the line for the gradient filling change The change should be applied immediately to the frame filling. 8. Save the book. The book is saved with the new background. 9. Load the book. Book should be displayed with the new background.
1069 - Linear Gradient Filling
1. Start Sophie2. Application should start 2. Open existing book or create a book by yourself. A book should be displayed or created. 3. Go to the page on which you want to edit a frame appearance. The wanted page should be displayed 4. Click on the frame style halo. Frame style HUD should appear. 5. From the section background filling click on "gradient". A gradient HUD should appear. 6. In the gradient HUD in the Style dropdown menu pick "linear". Linear filling should appear in the frame on the right side of the dropdown menu. 7. Adjust the line for the gradient filling change. The change should be applied immediately to the frame filling. 8. Save the book. The book is saved with the new background. 9. Load the book. Book should be displayed with the new background.
The implementation results are the updated testcases in the testlink.
- 1015 - Inserting a sticky
- 1020 - Sticky Content
- 1017 - Deleting a sticky'
- 1006 - Deleting an Annotation set
- 1008 - Exporting an Annotation set
- 1010 - Importing an Annotation set
- 1089 - Resource frames'
- 944 - Pattern Filling
- 1067 - Radial Gradient Filling
- 1069 - Linear Gradient Filling
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)