Revise. Fix templates, style and overall arangement of the wiki. Effort : 0.5d
Task requirements
Wiki Page Templates (PageTemplates)
- Consider obsolete templates and remove them.
- Expand current templates (See Implementation Idea section)
- Consider log pages structure and add it in a sentence in the log files template (See Implementation Idea section).
- Discuss with team other wiki problems and fix them.
- If remains time for the maintenance, fix the logs for current iteration to satisfy the new rules.
Task result
Maintained wiki (Easier work)
Maintained PageTemplates
Implementation idea
- Remove PageTemplates/AnalysisTemplate? as it is included and expanded in PageTemplates/TaskPageTemplate
- Replace the line "(Link the log of the task here)" in PageTemplates/TaskPageTemplate with "[[Include(wiki:TASK_NAME_R?_LOG)]]"
- Add upper scripted text in PageTemplates/TaskLogTemplate? with formatting requirements. These should include:
- Bullet indent for each line, now Review bullets are with more indent. Discuss and consider removing additional indent.
- Require from the team members to use same nickname for each log.
- Define formatting for each task stage - for example: "Analysis: nickname (done:20m) [[BR]] Review: nickname2 5p (done:20m)"
How to demo
Show re factored page templates.
Meet the requirements of the analysis section, see Implementation idea. Note that log files will probably be considered obsolete, but add the requirements for them into the template.
Searched for "AnalysisTemplate" to check if it is referred in other documents, 2 results - in current page and in AnalysisTemplate page. Deleted the template. [[BackLinksMenu]] is already part of the TaskPageTemplate, no need to define it (it was mentioned in the sprint overview, but not included in this task for this reason). Added the following line to the PageTemplates/TaskLogTemplate?: "Delete this line after meeting the requirements. Format: Action: username [comments]; Action: username (done: ?m) [comments]; Action (done: ?h) [comments]; Review: ? by username. [Comments] ". Considered this format because it is mostly used until now and doesn't look hard to be automatically checked (with python for example. For now applying the template to old logs is not necessary as it is not clear whether we will keep logs or not. Unplanned wiki tuning may be done in this task.