(Give as much as possible of the needed information for designing and implementing the task in the following sections.)
Sophie must provide extensions for the files that are created. Documentation for the persistence and file formats must be provided.
Task requirements
- The file format extension should be composed by two parts:
- The first should be the type of the persisted resource ".book" or ".page"...
- The second and more generic is going to be ".s2". It is going to indicate that this file is a persisted sophie resource.
- Document the persistence in sophie 2.0.
- Document the sophie 2.0 resources file format.
Task result
The result of this task must be source code and wiki pages for the required documentations.
Implementation idea
Finish the design of the GROUP_FILE_ACCESSES_PERSISTENCE_R0.
Create wiki page for the description of the file format.
Change the filters to the new file extensions and make the needed adjustments for them to work properly.
How to demo
- Save and load different file types with Sophie2 (books, annotations).
- Export and import different resources from Sophie2 (frames, pages).
- Show the wiki pages with the documentation.
- A wiki page should be created for the description of the sophie file format and model.
- The design of the persistence in sophie 2 should be described in the design part of the GROUP_FILE_ACCESSES_PERSISTENCE_R0.
- Related to the file extension:
- The file extension for book should be made ".book.s2" and for anotation set ".anno.s2". Change the file filters that are used for naming and by the file dialogs for books and anotations.
- Change the way FileExtensionFilter accepts files not to look for the last extention.
- Change the FileLocator`s getTopRef() method so that it does not look for a certain file extension but openes the first file in the given path.
- The file extension for book should be made ".book.s2" and for anotation set ".anno.s2". Change the file filters that are used for naming and by the file dialogs for books and anotations.
Implementation is done according to the design. [7798] [7959] [7972] [7987] [7990]
The design of the persistence task is in Persistence.
The wiki page for the sophie file format is SophieFormat
Merged to the trunk at [8014].
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)