Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 01/05/09 11:22:44

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=UNPLANNED_DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW_R0, compact) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



The goal of this task is to collect all the necessary information for new contributors to the project in a single wiki page.

Task requirements

  • Correct the mistakes in the wiki pages listed in the Related section.
  • Get rid of internal infromation that is publicly accessible.
  • Write a new wiki page, linking to the old ones
    • Each link should be preceeded by an introductory paragraph.
    • The new wiki should provide all that new members of the team need in order to get started.
    • Internal information should not be widely accessible.

Task result

The result of this task is a wiki page.

Implementation idea

Follow the step-by-step instructions on the introductory wiki pages (listed in the related section) and correct any mistakes or ambiguity you encounter.


How to demo

Show the new wiki page to the team.


1) Hide the internal information from the Discipline paragraph in PROCESS.
2) In PLATFORM_INFRASTRUCTURE_OVERVIEW move the "Deploying a project in a repository" paragraph from "installing subclipse" to "maven integration"; create new "additional information" section, containing "optional accounts and tools" (accounts / tools paragraph must go in there) and "extras" (properties, NetBeans, testing). Move "comments" right before "additional information".
3) Create a new page DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW containing:

  • Getting Started paragraph, listing the technologies used in the development process: SVN, Maven, Eclipse, Trac, JDK
  • Setup paragraph, containing step-by-step information about how to load Sophie2. Sub-paragraphs:
    • SVN;
    • Repository: installation, structure;
    • Maven;
    • Eclipse: installation, compiler settings, subclipse instalation, maven plugin instalation, importing Sophie, running Sophie
  • Tasks paragraph. Two sub-paragraphs: Process, describing its importance, as well as a link to the Proccess page; Performing tasks, which must include links to how to write analysis, task tips, writing reports, coding(Code Tasks Requirements, coding conventions, code smells,writing javadoc, logging) and testing(manual/auto tests).
  • Sophie2 paragraph:
    • Overview. Link to the planned Sophie intro.
    • Aspects of Sophie.
      • Modularity, describing the idea of modules, as well as a link to the "writing modules" tutorial. Extensions and extension points, too.
      • Structure, linking to PLATFORM_STRUCTURE. Some explanations may be useful.
      • Properties, linking to the properties tutorial
      • MVC, and a link to the MVC tutorial
    • Development Issues. Must include descriptions of the main task categories, e.g. Sophie Platform(Platform Design, Plugin Architecture, Core, Base, Features), Sophie Server, Sophie end product, Project Community, Supporting Artifacts.
  • Getting help paragraph, with explanation how to ask if a problem comes out (for example, link to the forums).
  • Useful links. This document is located in "important docs".

Most of these documents are already written. According to the analysis, every paragraph must have a link to the corresponding wiki document (if it exists).

  • Comments section so that everyone can suggest improvements.



I have tried to include most of the information from the second day in Sheraton, as well as everything already written in the document. Also, tried to make the document more structured(as Milo wrote in the super review),so the design of the document is already quite different. Since the task was failed to design_ok status, the design could not be rewritten. Hope this is not a serious problem :)

