Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 01/05/09 11:30:49
The purpose of this task is to make the Development Overview more useful.
Task requirements
The following should be done by 2 new team members and one experienced.
- In Design phase
- Review the the Development overview DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW
- Create a list with non-clear sections and propose improvements
- Apply suggestions done in the list.
- Revise (correct) formatting
- Remove numbering as it is inconsistent
Task result
Better structured and more useful development overview.
Implementation idea
- Having a gmail account is not necessary for participating in googlegroups! This is obsolete.
- Workstation setup section is internal as it is described - correct it.
- Split the needed software in sections: Needed and recommended.
- Remove the "committing daily reports" section as it is internal.
- Explain FakeAuthor (or link explanation)
- Avoid emoticon usage ( such as :) :( :/ ) in documents.
- For "The project" section
- Removing features of Sophie1 is not our goal, quite the contrary. Improving Sophie1 features is our goal. Probably a better usability.
- There are no tasks with one revision (planned) - the range is 2-12
How to demo
Show DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW and explain modifications.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)