The goal of this task is to design and create an overview page that gives basic information about the Sophie 2 project and its structure.
Task requirements
- The page should explain with a few sentences the project and its purposes.
- A link to the DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW page should be provided for contributors (with a brief explanation).
- A more detailed explanation of what is Sophie 2 should be provided.
- The structure of the project should be explained (with a link to the wiki:PLATFORM_STRUCTURE]
- Explanation of the chosen Licence and link to the License page should be added.
- The system requirements for running Sophie should be provided.
- Explain and link the user documentation.
Task result
The result of this task should be a wiki page containing the Sophie2 overview: PROJECT_OVERVIEW.
Implementation idea
Review the DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW section for ideas. Skim through the important docs and link them if they are related to the Sophie2 project or its structure. Write an explanation next to each link.
How to demo
Show the newly created wiki page.
- Create PROJECT_OVERVIEW page in thw wiki with the following structure
- Main sections:
- About Sophie - the content of SCS_SITE_DESIGN/About, without the "license" link
- License - already written in License
- Platform Structure - PLATFORM_STRUCTURE
- Documentation - empty for now; to be done in some of the next revisions
- Development Overview - DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW
- Additional:
- Sophie Wishlist - SophieWishlist
- Comments - like the last paragraph in DEVELOPMENT_OVERVIEW
- Main sections:
- Remove the About link from the WikiStart (About is to be included in the resulting page)
- Put a link to PROJECT_OVERVIEW in the WikiStart (Since it is not part of the development overview, it shouldn't be located in "Developer's home")
Every section must be a separate paragraph in the overview page.
Every paragraph must include short description and link to the mentioned page.
- PROJECT_OVERVIEW created (as described in the Design, "Comments" is slightly changed).
- The "License" link from the About page is removed (the Overview already has a link to it).
- In WikiStart, the "About" link is replaced with "Overview".
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)