3. Working with frames

This section of the documentation explains how frames work in Sophie. Frames are the way in which text and media are represented on the pages of Sophie books.

In Sophie 2.1, frames can be added to a page by choosing any of the options from the Insert menu or by dragging them from Resource Palette to the page. For most of the options in the menu, you will be asked to select the file you wish to add. (See the section on working with media for more information on this.) When this is done, a frame is added to the current Sophie page. If resources have already been imported to Sophie (using the Insert menu or using the import options in the resources tab), they can be dragged from the resources tab to the page to create a frame containing the resource. Multiple frames can be added to a page.

Selecting a frame will reveal the frame halos. In the right of the frame's title bar is the delete halo; clicking this will delete the frame from the page.

If a frame, or a group of frames, is selected, it can by copied or cut by choosing Edit > Copy or Edit > Cut from the menu bars, or by pressing command/control-c or command/control-x. When a frame (or group of frames) is on the clipboard, it can be pasted by choosing Edit > Paste from the menu bars or pressing command/control-v. Frames will be pasted in the location they were at when they were copied: if you paste a frame on the same page that you copied it from, the pasted frame might be appearing over the original frame.

More specific control over frames can be attained through the page structure palette. If you have many overlapping frames on the same page, making it complicated to select a frame directly, the page structure palette will allow you to select frames directly.

3.1. Changing the size and position of a frame
3.2. Setting borders and fills
3.3. Using frame templates
3.4. Multiple selection and aligning frames
3.5. Setting margins and padding
3.6. Using comment frames
3.7. Using browser frames
3.8. Using the page structure palette