Ticket #1640 (closed unplanned_task: obsolete)
Reported by: | jani | Owned by: | jani |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | M05_PRE5 |
Component: | BASE_BOOK_MODEL | Version: | 2.0 |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Category: | BASE | Effort: | 0 |
Importance: | Ticket_group: | ||
Estimated Number of Hours: | Add Hours to Ticket: | ||
Billable?: | Total Hours: | ||
Analysis_owners: | jani | Design_owners: | jani, jani |
Imp._owners: | jani | Test_owners: | |
Analysis_reviewers: | boyan | Changelog: | |
Design_reviewers: | meddle, meddle | Imp._reviewers: | meddle |
Test_reviewers: | Analysis_score: | 3.5 | |
Design_score: | 3.5 | Imp._score: | 3.5 |
Test_score: | 0 |
Description (last modified by boyan) (diff)
Ticket Summary Effort Status #289 BASE_MODEL_TEMPLATING_R0 1 closed #550 BOOK_TEMPLATES_BEHAVIOUR_R0 1 closed #553 BOOK_TEMPLATES_LISTING_R0 0.5 closed #566 PAGE_TEMPLATE_BEHAVIOUR_R0 1 closed #569 PAGE_TEMPLATES_LISTING_R0 0.5 closed #694 FRAME_TEMPLATES_R0 1 closed #697 FRAME_TEMPLATES_PALETTE_R0 0.5 closed #699 FRAME_PROPERTY_LOCKING_R0 0.5 closed
Change History
comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by jani
- Status changed from s1a_analysis_started to s1b_analysis_finished
Done in 1h.
comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by boyan
- Status changed from s1b_analysis_finished to s1c_analysis_ok
- Analysis_reviewers set to boyan
- Analysis_owners set to jani
- Analysis_score changed from 0 to 3.5
The analysis is good and follows the standards. Make sure that all the task requirements starting with "Define" are well described in the design. Fill your name in the custom fields :)
comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by jani
- Design_owners set to jani
- Status changed from s1c_analysis_ok to s2a_design_started
comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by jani
- Status changed from s2a_design_started to s2b_design_finished
Done in 2h.
comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by meddle
- Status changed from s2b_design_finished to s1c_analysis_ok
- Design_score changed from 0 to 2
- Design_reviewers set to meddle
The design is clear to understand, but:
- There is no tests that test the visual logic (palettes, halos, etc..)
- It would be nice to have UML diagram, but the sample source code is good idea.
Other thing is that the design is changing at the moment, so I fail this design and suggest that either you update it (only a few tests and a diagram should do it) and put your changesets in the implementation section to be reviewable as design and implementation, and than start new revision, or you can update that revision with the new design, but you should keep and the old one and add the old changesets, even these that contain your code merged from the release branch.
2p (30m)
comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by jani
- Design_owners changed from jani to jani, jani
- Status changed from s1c_analysis_ok to s2a_design_started
comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by jani
- Status changed from s2a_design_started to s2b_design_finished
Notes taken into account. Added UML class diagram, integration test and demo.
comment:10 Changed 16 years ago by meddle
- Status changed from s2b_design_finished to s2c_design_ok
- Design_score changed from 2 to 3.5
- Design_reviewers changed from meddle to meddle, meddle
The UML diagram is added and there is demo of the visual stuff. Make sure the tests and the demo are working for the implementation review.
3.5 (30m)
comment:11 Changed 16 years ago by jani
- Status changed from s2c_design_ok to s3a_implementation_started
- Imp._owners set to jani
comment:12 Changed 16 years ago by jani
- Status changed from s3a_implementation_started to s3b_implementation_finished
comment:13 Changed 16 years ago by meddle
- Status changed from s3b_implementation_finished to s3c_implementation_ok
- Imp._score changed from 0 to 3.5
- Imp._reviewers set to meddle
For it's time the task is implemented good and according to the design. Fixed some JavaDoc.
3.5p (40m)
comment:14 Changed 15 years ago by deyan
- Status changed from s3c_implementation_ok to closed
- Resolution set to obsolete
Batch update from file query-obsoleted.csv
fixing a mistake in the description