Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 01/28/09 15:40:00
This that is about the extensibility of the persistence format of Sophie 2.0. The persistence format should provide an extension point for new things to be persisted.
Task requirements
- Design a way to persist new things.
- If the client implements a new plug-in that uses something which may be persisted, the format should provide him the ability to do so.
- Persisting new should should be independent regarding the original Sophie 2.0 format.
- Sophie 2.0 persisting format should provide extension point for persisting.
- Everything that is to be persisted from a certain point on, should be declared as an extension to the persisting format of Sophie 2.0
- Provide a wiki page that fully describes the way the client should implement new extensions for the persistence format.
- Write unit test with a mock extension of the format that tests its extensibility capabilities.
- All important wiki content should be put in the corresponding section of a wiki page => BASE_PERSISTENCE
Task result
- Source code.
- Wiki page.
- Unit Tests.
Implementation idea
- view code:
- => trunk/sophie2-platform/modules/org.sophie2.base.persistence
- => trunk/sophie2-platform/modules/
- => trunk/sophie2-platform/modules/
- create the extension point of the format after a thorough design.
- create a wiki page named "BASE_PERSISTENCE_FORMAT_POINT" and provide explanation of how to create an extension to the format.
- write unit test with mock extension.
How to demo
- Show the wiki page that describes the extensibility.
- Run unit tests.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)