Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 10/14/08 14:55:53

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt



Make read documents. Make structure for some of the things. Think about open questions table.

Task requirements

  • Refine the structure of the internal backlog

The Internal backlog is located here:

  • Impediments sheet:

If there are solutions for unresolved tasks, mark them as resolved and insert hyperlinks to corresponding tasks (or task results) from the wiki.

  • Smells sheet:

Review smells. Assign team members to fix open smells. (you can use dev mail list, or ticket system)

  • Documents sheet:

Create a column for each team member. This column should contain last read date for this member.

  • Daily Availability sheet:

Each member should have two columns. The first should contain amount of working hours for this date, the second should contain free text. Remind the members to fill in regularly their availability. (you can use mail list)

  • Open Questions sheet:
Date Assign to (optional) Question from Impact Status


Task result

Useful Backlog

Implementation idea

See Task Requirements.

How to demo

Show and describe changes made


Sheet structure must be refined following these rules:

  • Impediments
    • name: short identification for the impediment
    • description: detailed description of the impediment
    • date: date from which the impediment originate. Note that all impediments must be recorded at the the moment they appear.
    • reporter: the person who reported for the respected impediment
    • impact: stands for the severity of the impediment. There are the following options:
      • small: for non-significant impact
      • medium: for moderate impact
      • high: for really serious impediments
    • status: in this column you must fill the status of the impediment, choosing one of these:
      • unresolved: for impediments that still affect our work
      • resolved: for impediments that is taken care of
      • closed: for impediments that are no longer active, either they were resolved or they disappeared (for example in case of there is no electricity)
  • Smells
    • name: short identification for the smell
    • description: more detailed description of the smell
    • location: where was found the smell
    • date: date from which the smell was discovered. Note that all smells must be recorded at the the moment they are found.
    • reporter: the person who reported for the respected smell
    • status: in this column you must fill the status of the smell, choosing one of these:
      • open: for smells that still are not fixed
      • resolved: for smells that were fixed
      • closed: for smells that were resolved and someone verified that they were fixed
  • Documents
    • document: contains the name (or short description) of the document
    • link: contains to the document
    • last update: contains the date when the document was last modified
    • next columns: these are the team members. Each of them must fill his/hers column with the date when he last read the respective document.
  • Daily Availability
    There are 2 columns for each team member in the one he/she must write down his/hers availability in hour intervals (for example: 12:30-15:30; 17:00-18:00), the other must be filled with the sum of the intervals. Everyone should do this by himself.
  • Open Questions
    • Question: contains the important question that needs to be answered
    • Date: contains the date when the question appeared
    • Assign to: this field is optional if the question is directed to specific person
    • Question from: here stand the name of the person who asked the question
    • Impact: There are the following options:
      • small: for non-significant questions
      • medium: for questions which answers have moderate impact
      • high: for really important questions
    • Status: there are a few options for this:
      • opened: for questions which are waiting to be answered
      • answered: for the questions that are answered

In the implementation section smells will be assigned and needed columns for each sheet must be created.


The result of this implementation is structured spreadsheet with different sheets
Backlog Smells were assigned to the team members.




Error: Macro Include(wiki:INTERNAL_BACKLOG_MAINTENANCE_R1_LOG) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block