The PLATFORM_STRUCTURE documents needs to explain better what is the development structure, what and where is compiled, what is the runtime structure, what is the distibution structure of different editions and how is approached the problem with different modules sharing resources.
Task requirements
Currently the PLATFORM_STRUCTURE contains parts of module structure and the repository section.
- The module structure should be removed as it is part of PLUGIN_MODULE_STRUCTURE.
- This structure should be linked in PLATFORM_STRUCTURE.
- The document should be split in following sections:
- Development structure
- Contains explanation of repository structure
- explanation of top level directories, link to NAMING_CONVENTIONS
- sophie2-platform folder
- pom.xml
- dev-tools
- doc
- src
- modules - brief overview, linked PLUGIN_MODULE_STRUCTURE
- Contains explanation of repository structure
- Distribution structure - few words of what the distributions are.
- Platform distribution explanation - structure, which modules does it contain.
- Author distribution explanation - structure, which modules does it contain, specific.
- Reader distribution explanation - structure, which modules does it contain, specific.
- Server distribution explanation - structure, which modules does it contain, specific.
- Development structure
Task result
The result of this task is PLATFORM_STRUCTURE
Implementation idea
Implement this task in parallel with PLUGIN_MODULE_STRUCTURE_R1.
distrib |_conf |_logs |_modules |_templates |_run_author.bat |
Explain shared contents, run scripts, etc.
How to demo
Show refactored PLATFORM_STRUCTURE, explain modifications.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)