Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 03/18/09 16:56:08

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=PLUGIN_SUPPORT_LIB_BASE_R1, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



The goal of this task is to solve the shared resources issue and to describe(and may be refactor) the way we get the class module instances.

Task requirements

  • Create document(or write in the design section) how we set, get and use the instances of the module classes([module_name]Module).
  • See which resources have to be shared and separate them in new src/main/resources/distrib folders.
  • Think out a way to share the module resources and get them without problems. It must work with the fake and true launchers of the sophie2 platform.
  • Create API in core.modularity which provides functionality for dealing with the resources.
  • See if there are any static paths while getting the resources and change them with the newly created functions.

Task result

  • classes in core.modularity
  • information about the static instances
  • new storage for the resources

Implementation idea

  • When you write new module you must create static get() method which returns the instance of the class.
  • Use ClassLoaders and streams while working with resources.


How to demo

  • Show the new classes and describe their functionality. Run tests if you manage to think out how to test the new API.
  • Show the information about the instances.
  • Show where the resources are stored.


  • When you create new Sophie module, first of all you should create instance of the module and get() method for getting it. The template is here:

trunk/sophie2-platform/dev-tools/eclipse_templates/module_templates/module_instance.xml. It is stored in PLATFORM_DEPLOYMENT_BUILD_ECLIPSE for now.

  • Create distrib folders in src/main/resource folders where the modules should provide shared resources(these are the application resources as icons and book_templates and will be called file entries not to be messed with other sophie resources).
  • For the resource API
    • Create class in core.modularity which will represent the resource API.
    • It has to:
      • give resource for reading
      • give resource for modifying
      • list now available resources
    • The main implementation can be separated in two parts. The differences between them are:
      1. Starting Sophie 2 through Eclipse
        • The file entry manager looks for the wanted entries for reading in
          • module_name/src/main/resources
          • module_name/target/classes
          • module_name/module_name-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
        • The file entry manager creates temp directory(can be in sophie-platform/target/tmp-distrib) in which it writes the file entries, if they are wanted for modifying.
      2. Starting Sophie 2 from the distribution
        • The file entry manager reads the resources from the module jar files.
        • The file entry manager writes the resources in sophie-edition/ folder(for example sophie2-author/).
    • Note: To know weather the project is started under Eclipse or under distribution check if the current dir contains .jar file.
  • More specific things for the implementation:
    • Create method which returns list of all read-only roots(all of the places to be searched, described in 1.)
    • Create method which returns path to the writable root which is temp-distirb or current distributed edition folder.
    • Create method which searches recursively for the /modules folder from which you should search the file entries.
  • TODO: add test revisions.


1877 - is the implementation.



(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)