Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 05/09/09 10:11:03
Keeps tickets healthy.
Task requirements
- Review custom fields of the tickets (see Implementation idea)
- Fill in custom information where possible (about owners and reviewers)
- Send notification to people that miss this information.
Task result
Custom fields with proper content for iterations 2+
Implementation idea
SCS_ISSUE_TRACKER_MAINTENANCE contains queries that do the following: for each task state are shown the needed custom fields with their content. You may modify the queries not to show iteration1 if you decide there is no time for adding them. All you have to do is to add contents to the empty spaces.
How to demo
Show the page with no blanks. SCS_ISSUE_TRACKER_MAINTENANCE_R4
- The analysis is old, but the requirements are reasonable
- Use of "cc" was discussed for sending reminders to team members
- Installed ticketbox plugin to show boxes with tickets that need attention (depending on username). A yellow box shows which tickets has the username in it's cc field. This is done in 18 and the following in the iteration page ITERATION_07
- Installed ticketbox plugin to show boxes with tickets that need attention (depending on username). A yellow box shows which tickets has the username in it's cc field. This is done in 18 and the following in the iteration page ITERATION_07
- cc usage is not well defined, it just eases the communication between members via trac
- The following report shows needed custom fields of the tickets in groups 21
- owners fields
- reviewers fields
- status
- cc
- Import plugin was installed. It allows importing tickets from csv file (trac can export reports in this format). When the ticket id already exists, the ticket is changed.
- In later revisions a script that updates automatically custom fields of groups will be designed
- In implementation section create a list with all tickets and see where there are problems
- The report may not contain tickets with status new
- The report should contain the following fields: ticket#, summary, *owners, *reviewers, *score, cc
- Tickets with non-filled owners field. This will be easy if the report is sorted by status
- Export the report as CSV (bottom of the trac page), open it in Open Office and resolve problems where possible
- if the report is arranged properly, you will see blanks where a custom field is missed
- For the tickets that you are not sure who is the *owner, add yourself as cc and resolve them manually later
- Save the CSV and import it using Import tab in trac
- For grouped tickets 21 is used for the csv report. Blanks were filled for each group. The CSV was imported again.
- This query is used for the csv export. All tickets were fixed (excluding these from iteration 1) and reminders were sent where needed.
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)