Posts for the month of May 2009

Wiki Tweaks

In order to ease wiki usage, we installed following plugins:

  • Wikify - creates a link to wiki page without using [wiki:...]. For example
    is enough to link this page
  • Ticketbox - using queries displays tickets # and summary: Reminders (yellow), Failed Reviews (red), In Progress (green) and Design OK (blue) depending on username of the logged user at the top of the current iteration page.

ITERATION_06 Summary

Here is our regular summary of what's been done during the sixth iteration.

As decided at the ITERATION_05 closing, we are introducing organizational and operational improvements aimed at self management and optimizing the work process in order to increase our productivity. In the sixth iteration we've introduced "groups" tasks, a way to work on several tickets using only one group ticket which includes them. After the fifth iteration we are using again a subteam structure. ITERATION_06 was split into two separate mini-sprints, improving the time boxing of tasks.

On April 17 we launched our fourth release which is available for download from here. This release continues to improve existing features and brings additional features to prototype status, including:

  • Skinning
    • Default Skin
    • Alternative Skin
  • Application help
  • Resource list filters
  • Resource change list
  • Book templates base support
  • Page templates (as resource)
  • Internal definition of Sophie Book File Format
  • Page zooming
  • Page property editing
  • Frame rotation
  • Bugfixes

Below you can read the results of the sprint retrospection. What went well:

  • Release was on schedule
  • A lot of the fundamental designs were finished
  • Done a lot of discussions

What could be better:

  • Sometimes the process is slowing us down
  • The communication between team members coudl be better
  • Some fundamentals weren't finished

How to improve:

  • Better understanding of the ideas
  • More pair programing
  • Simpler process
  • Improve the inteam communication

Best regards, Sophie Team.