ITERATION_08 and ITERATION_09 Summaries
ITERATION_08 and ITERATION_09 Summaries
Today's report covers our last two Iterations. The team has been very busy and very productive. During these Iterations, the team achieved many of its goals and drastically advanced Sophie 2.0 capabilities. We released Alpha 3, available for download at, and we are now looking forward to our first beta version, scheduled for August 14. The new user interface will be included in this release.
We have posted two demo books, which can be found here and updated the user tutorials, available here.
During the eighth Iteration, the team held a very productive two day seminar at Panichishte, clarifying design ideas and planning integration. Several new developers joined the team during this period.
A significant event during the ninth Iteration was a demonstration of the Sophie 2.0 Alpha 2 release on July 2. Two videos of the demonstration are available at: VNC Demo and Demo.
Below are the results of our most recent retrospections.
ITERATION_08 retrospection:
What went well:
- More tasks finished
- Successful demo
- Process Improvements
- Release quality
What could be better:
- Weekly time boxing
- Defining scope
- Meeting weekly milestones
How to improve:
- Increase number of analysis discussions
- Work more carefully
- Stay on plan
- Intensify testing
ITERATION_09 retrospection:
What went well:
- Internal team communication
- Issuing bug tickets
- Working on the Sophie 2 Server
- New team members
What could be better:
- Availability of the team members
- Time management
- Submitted quality
- Integration speed
How to improve:
- Move declaration of tasks to Monday
- Additional integrators
- Pick smaller tasks
- Increase effort on bug fixes
Best regards, The Sophie Team.