Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 11/13/08 11:57:48

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Platform Standards General describes clearly how different parts of the process for task realization - analysis, design, implementation, testing - have to be done. Platform Standards General have to describe how each of these parts should be done depending on task type. There are 5 different task types for now.

Task requirements

  • Check PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL for mistakes and fix them. Add additional information if necessary.
  • For each task type give examples of very well done tasks.
  • Emphasise on the implementation part for each task type.

Task result

Implementation idea

How to demo


In the implementation there are a few things that are going to be done:

  • Thoroughly reviewing of PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL.
  • Improved implementation sections for the different types of tasks.
    • Coding tasks
      • Implementation - In the implementation section of the task's revision there should be a link to the change set of the commit where the modifications are done. Explanation of the changes should be provided. Write down the added functionalities or improvements that the tasks code bring to the project. Explain which part of source you've added/edited and how. The result of your work should be presentable in Analysis/How to Demo section.
    • Bug Fix
      • Implementation - Implementation section should contain link to files where code was added/maintained/refactored and a link to the change set of the commit. A description of what was done should be added as well. The implementation also must contain information about the problems causing the bug and how were they bypassed. The results should be presentable in Analysis/How to Demo section.
    • Document
      • Implementation - Implementation section as in other tasks should contain link to created documents and explanation how they were done. Because most of the tasks include more than one revision you must explain what's added/improved during the last revision. The results should be presentable in Analysis/How to Demo section.
    • Setup
      • Implementation - This section should contain how exactly was this appliance set up. Write down a step by step manual of the setup states Give links to any setup files (scripts) or other information in order for the server to be recreated.
    • Maintenance
      • Implementation - Implementation consist of trivial actions done every maintenance and improvements listed in the design. Implementation steps should be described. For the maintenance of documents should be provide link.
  • Finding well executed tasks that are suitable for example.
  • Correct mistakes in PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL if any, and add the information from the previous bullets.


PLATFORM_STANDARDS_GENERAL was thoroughly reviewed and improved:




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